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Friday, September 15, 2017

Majority Wants To Keep Confederate Statues

A clear majority of Americans want to keep Confederate statues, according to a Monday poll.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans surveyed think Confederate memorials should remain in public areas, a figure more than twice as large as the 26 percent who think they should be removed, according to a survey conducted by Reuters, Ipsos, and the University of Virginia Center for Politics.

Anti-monument Americans indicated that their opinions on the issue had changed more recently than those of pro-statue Americans, with one-third of them pointing to either the Charlottesville riot or South Carolina’s 2015 decision to take the Confederate flag down from its statehouse as the factor fueling their shift.

While 77 percent, 65 percent, and 52 percent of Americans polled opposed neo-Nazism, white nationalism, and the alt-right, respectively, only 39 percent and 37 percent opposed Antifa and Black Lives Matter.



  1. 39 percent and 37 percent opposed Antifa and Black Lives Matter? Really? What do the rest think that these two terrorist groups will accomplish, and at what cost?

  2. Tell that to Larry Hogan!!!

  3. This whole statue thing has gotten ridiculous. Pigeons know them better then both white and black Americans. They are bronze relics no longer relative as totems or icons like Egyptian sculptures they are just a part of our cultural landscape good bad or indifferent they are only as threatening as you empower them to be. They are static objects and often works of art. It's our projections and nostalgic notions and ill understanding of our collective History that should truly be of question.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Tell that to Larry Hogan!!!

    September 15, 2017 at 7:54 PM

    F* Larry Hogan. He is a RINO. He was quick to ban license plates of the Sons of Confederate Veterans right after the shooting in Charleston where that mental case shot 9 blacks in a church.

    That clown was not a member of the SCV. That Cofederate Flag didn't kill anyone. That gun didn't kill anyone. That mental case did the killing.

    Removing anything that has to do with our heritage is not he answer.


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