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Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Lack of sleep and using tablets before bed may cause ADHD

ADHD, the disorder that affects children’s ability to concentrate and results in disruptive behaviour, might simply be the result of them not getting enough sleep, leading scientists believe.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is exacerbated by not getting to sleep early and using mobiles or tablets before bed, they say.

The theory, being proposed at a major scientific conference this weekend, will fuel the belief that ADHD is caused – or at least aggravated – by poor parenting.



  1. I have heard about enough of ADHD. So the last 100 years of ADD diagnosise was what? A build up for the launch of the ipad? Unreal.

  2. Quit spoiling them ....making snowflakes out of them ....
    They will Live........
    How many millions was Waisted on this study ????

  3. Tablets / Phones / Computers age 18 Not Toys !!!

  4. They are probably making a Pillow with a frigg'in Tablet
    in it these days .....
    + Another model with a Cell Phone for moms !!!!

  5. Blue Tooth models too .....coming soon Apple /Android !!!


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