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Monday, September 25, 2017

In Indiana, Mike Pence asks Democrat Joe Donnelly for his vote on tax reform

Vice President Mike Pence asked Democratic Sen. Joe Donnelly in person Friday in their home state of Indiana for his vote on tax legislation.

"Senator Donnelly, we need your help, too," Pence said in Anderson.

"Joe, let's decide today: We're going to get this tax cut done, and we're going to get it done together," Pence added.

Pence's visit is the first effort by the White House to lean on Donnelly, one of the centrist Democrats in the upper chamber and one who would likely be vulnerable in the 2018 elections. President Trump is scheduled to visit Indianapolis next week to rally for tax reform.

Donnelly is one of three Senate Democrats who did not sign a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell this summer outlining opposition to any tax reform that cut taxes for the wealthy or added to the deficit.

The Republicans have not released legislation or even a tax plan for Donnelly to support. Next week, the administration and congressional GOP leaders plan to release more information about their intentions for legislation.

On Friday, however, Pence did not hesitate to raise expectations, saying that they would cut taxes for all businesses and for "working families," while simplifying the tax code.


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