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Thursday, September 07, 2017

Houston family's home saved from flooding thanks to dam

One Texas family has escaped the worst of Harvey's flooding thanks to an ingenious dam.

Randy and Jennifer Socha's home in Rosenberg, Texas suffered severe flooding last year.

So when they heard that Harvey was on its way, they knew they needed to get inventive to keep their home dry.

Randy quickly went online in search of a way to keep their home dry and found a Louisiana-based company that makes water-fulled dams, called Aqua Dams.

The Aqua Dam is a waterproof fabric tube that is filled with water and used like a sandbag.

Any rain water that comes onto his property is pumped into the tube and then out and into the flood, keeping his home dry.



  1. Well no one else has said it yet - DAMN!

  2. Why haven't these been advertised? Oh wait, we need govt to bail us out. We are too immature and weak to think for ourselves says govt officials!

  3. not bad for something that cost them 15k

  4. I don't know. A little sceptical. How do you pump the water out if it gets in the dam - battery operated generator???
    Signed snowflake

  5. 4:46 PM like 5:54 said, they are expensive. BUT if the insurance company would kick in half, and put provisions on the policy, I am sure more people would buy them. It would be a win win for everybody.

  6. Well worth the 15k tho


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