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Monday, September 11, 2017

Hillary Stands By Her ‘Deplorables’ Remark

A defiant Hillary Clinton is standing by her infamous campaign trail comment that a significant portion of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables.”

In an interview with CBS’ Jane Pauley, her first on a tour for her new book, “What Happened,” Clinton dismissed the idea that her comment, made at a Sept. 9, 2016, campaign event, had an impact on the outcome of the election.

“You can put half of Trump’s supporters in what I call a basket of deplorables,” Clinton said during that campaign event.

Trump supporters and other conservatives jumped on the comment and used it to paint Clinton as an out-of-touch elitist.



  1. She is not sober long enough to write a book. Hires someone to do it for her and try to make a buck. It too will be a failure because no sane person will buy it or cares what she has to say.

  2. I think she can count on the her sheep buying it.

  3. Thank you hillary for coining a phrase that helped put Trump in the white house.

  4. She's been out of touch through her whole campaign, and the deplorables was a slam at those that weren't voting for her. And I think it will stick in the minds of voters every time she runs for any office and it should. She is not fit to run for any office even dog catcher.

  5. Takes one to know one!

  6. I'd rather be a Trump deplorable than a Clinton murderer.

  7. She is America's biggest DEPLORABLE !!!

  8. If we're deplorable what is she? Wiki unveiled just how the dems work and how she ordered the attack on Trump and against Bernie. She is the wicked witch of the north.

  9. Until SHE is held accountable ....there is No Justice !!!
    Same for her Hubby and Clinton Foundation
    Same for Comey / Lynch / Obama


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