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Friday, September 08, 2017

Hillary Clinton fundraiser: 'I wish she'd just shut the f--k up and go away'

As Hillary Clinton gears up for her book tour, some Democrats are fuming that their former presidential nominee is returning to the spotlight.

"The best thing she could do is disappear," one former Clinton fundraiser and surrogate told The Hill. "She's doing harm to all of us because of her own selfishness. Honestly, I wish she'd just shut the fuck up and go away."

Clinton's memoir, "What Happened," tells her side of the stunning defeat by Donald Trump. It's set to be released Tuesday.

In the memoir she deridesformer FBI Director James Comey for saying she was "extremely careless" for using a private email server while secretary of state.

She blames her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders for inflicting "lasting damage" on her campaign, accusing him of paving the way for Trump's "Crooked Hillary" campaign.

Clinton also warns Russian President Vladimir Putin "hasn't had the laugh last yet" after his country's interference in the election.



  1. Every claim she makes over her own victimhood puts her farther into the public's eye as mentally unstable.

  2. She's possessed by greed and an over the top sense of personal entitlement.

  3. What's great that she is still in charge of the Democrat party.

  4. You can wish that she'd disappear, but she won't.

  5. Don't we all wish that, lol! I have a picture of her book hanging on my kitchen wall, "It Was My Turn"!


  6. Let her tell her story from behind bars! Do you here us President Trump,pump the Washington cesspool dry!

  7. The woman has obviously lost her mind! Why doesn't Bill, Chelsea, and her doctors do something with her? Bill must have gone into hiding because we never see him, Chelsea keeps making dumb comments on twitter, and her doctors aren't putting her in the crazy house!

  8. 7:14 PM - and then scrape the bottom clean, too!


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