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Friday, September 15, 2017

Harvard Withdraws Chelsea Manning’s Visiting Fellow Invitation

The dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government said the college was withdrawing its invitation for Chelsea Manning to be a visiting fellow and apologized for extending the offer, which prompted a former CIA director and the current one to distance themselves from the university.

Former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell earlier Thursday announced his resignation as a senior fellow at Harvard over its decision to invite Manning. Mike Pompeo, the agency's current director, also canceled a speaking engagement there Thursday night.

"I now think that designating Chelsea Manning as a visiting fellow was a mistake, for which I accept responsibility," Kennedy School Dean Douglas W. Elmendorf said in a statement posted on the university's website early Friday. "I still think that having her speak in the Forum and talk with students is consistent with our longstanding approach, which puts great emphasis on the value of hearing from a diverse collection of people.



  1. A visiting fellow? That's pretty lofty for someone with no degrees.

  2. "A visiting fellow? That's pretty lofty for someone with no degrees."

    Yeah, it's also pretty lofty for a fellow who is not a "fellow".


  3. Manning (he, she, it - your choice) is a traitor who stole and released classified information while enlisted in the military.

    Eventually prosecuted and convicted, under the Obama regime the military spent money to assist the gender dream of this person. Obama pardoned Manning as a going away present, after Manning served 7 years of a 35 sentence.

    Manning's 'qualifications' for a Harvard fellowship consist of one failed semester of college and the traitorous acts that led to the conviction.

    We used to execute those who abuse classified material. The penalties are still on the books but the backbone to use them has eroded.

  4. Harvard probably withdrew the offer after many of the wealthy alumni stated they would no longer donate each year if he/she/it was granted the Fellow Speaking Invitation.

    Money makes things happen. And happen fast.


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