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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Gorka: Trump Won White House, Not GOP

Former White House deputy assistant Sebastian Gorka said Tuesday "the Republican Party thinks they won the election" — but Donald Trump actually did.

"The biggest problem we have isn't the Democrat Party," Gorka, who resigned last month, told the Los Angeles Times in an interview in Israel. "The biggest near-term obstacle to the president's agenda is the fact that the Republican Party thinks they won the election.

"They did not win the election," he added. "The president was only the Republican candidate by accident.

"He is the quintessential anti-establishment candidate, as anti-left-wing establishment as he is anti-right-wing establishment."

More here


  1. Absolutely correct. Voted for by We, The People! All of us!

    1. ALL of us? Hardly. More by the electoral college; and the rats are jumping ship. Fewer voters voted for him than for Clinton. But nice try.

  2. President Trump is doing a fantastic job considering what he is up against. What Obama left him and the road blocks from Obama everyday. I will vote for him again.

    1. What did Obama "leave" him by the way, and what roadblocks by our former president are speaking of; because what you just wrote is sensationally misinformed.

  3. I didn't vote for him because he was a Republican, it was because he was the only choice that made sense and wouldn't make me feel slimy afterwards.

    1. And how do you feel now? Certainly not squeaky clean.

  4. Gorka is spot on. RINO's, Elitists, Globalists, and Never Trumpers must go.

    1. Elitists? Really? Because setting a high bar is just too highbrow for you, huh? We won't even address the rest of this ridiculous comment.

  5. I feel better at 63YO voting in every election in my life that Donald Trump is my President and am very proud of all his accomplishments so far despite the obstructionism put up by the Republican AND Democrat parties! I will be at the polls in 2018 and 2020 to repeat my vote.

  6. Millions of fraudulent votes were cast for Hillary.

  7. The Republicans won Congress in the previous election, and only held on to it in the last election. They did not win anything new. Trump took back the White House from the Democrats, as a Republican in the last election. He was the only one that won anything new for the Republicans, that they didn't already have. The voters gave a mandate to the Congressional Republicans by turning over control of Congress to them. They spent the last two years squandering that mandate. The voters gave Republicans Donald Trump in the White House to seal the deal on a mandate, yet they continue to go with the status quo, and continue to squander the opportunity to change the direction of the country. Their corruption is becoming more apparent to the voters every day. They will rue the days they fought Trump, in the next election.


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