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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

GOP Senators Push Amnesty for 2.5 Million Illegals

GOP Senator and outsourcing-advocate Sen. Thom Tillis will introduce legislation on Monday offering citizenship to more than 2. 5 million illegal immigrants who gain jobs, university places or military slots sought by young Americans, according to the McClatchy news service.

The legislation is being backed by Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford, despite broad public opposition to cheap-labor amnesties, and would allow the 2.5 million Democratic-leaning illegals to become citizens in 10 years.

The bill reflects Tillis’ hard-nosed push for greater use of foreign workers, in both the blue-collar H-2B program and the white-collar H-1B program. Many North Carolina companies, such including universities, are importing foreigners for white-collar jobs sought by young American graduates. In 2016, for example, companies in Charlotte, N.C., asked for almost 2,200 H-1B visas to import white-collar outsourcing workers. Tillis has repeatedly said he wants to let companies hire more cheap-labor blue-collar and white-collar contract workers. He was quoted by an Indian newspaper saying that any foreigners who get an advanced degree in the United States should be allowed to become citizens and compete against Americans for jobs.



  1. That's all good but they can't vote for 10 years and they are to pay a 70 percent tax on income. Only fair and Bernie is for 70 percent taxes. No income no American.

  2. There are approximately 3.7 million unlawful immigrant households in the U.S. These households impose a net fiscal burden of around $54.5 billion per year.

    Amnesty for unlawful immigrants can pose large fiscal costs for U.S. taxpayers including public education, welfare benefits, and other benefits and services.

    Policymakers must ensure that the interaction of welfare and other financial transfer programs with immigration does not expand the fiscally dependent population.

  3. Post their names...... than flood the phones with your NO VOTE. @ 202. 224. 3121

  4. Not fair or legal to those who applied and work hard to be an American. Now you just want to hand out citizenship like it is a free ticket to a ball game. What about America first

    This waste of oxygen is not looking out for the American people - especially the ones that came here legally.

  6. Theres far to much money and profit to lose for congress to do the right thing for Americans, concerning the illegal trafficking of illegal migrants. Perhaps a boycott on paying taxes would remind them who they work for.

  7. CONgress large and in charge again. We won't even know the difference anyway. And that is SAD!

  8. Lawbreakers and their supporters should be tried for treason and hanged.


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