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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Faith Groups Outperform FEMA in Disaster Relief

After a dozen years without a major hurricane, the U.S. has been hit hard in recent weeks, getting rocked first by Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and then Hurricane Irma hitting Florida. In both cases, the storms destroyed thousands of homes and impacted millions of lives. And in both cases, ordinary faith-based groups and churches beat government to the scene to aid victims.

What the average American news consumer may not know is that faith-based relief groups have provided roughly 80% of the aid. Methodists, Presbyterians and other denominations sent out relief crews to help with cleanup after Harvey. Samaritan’s Purse, the Christian non-profit founded by the Reverend Franklin Graham, brought a convoy of trucks loaded with food, chainsaws and other goods. Seventh Day Adventists began dispersing bottled water, diapers, clothing and other supplies. Mormons have also gotten in on the act, providing truckloads of water, hygiene kits and other relief supplies for the victims of Hurricane Harvey, as well as opening up their church buildings as command centers for coordination of relief efforts. They will also be sending in thousands of volunteers to help with the cleanup and recovery from these storms.

Beyond the U.S., Baptist volunteers are already on the ground in the Caribbean, assessing needs there.

That’s just scratching the surface..

More here


  1. Atheists are busy telling us how naive and stupid we are, so I ask them -- what organization do THEY believe in, what group do THEY belong to that can, and already does, deliver that kind of assistance on that scale?
    They are busy tearing down statues and going to court because a cross is on a mountain somewhere in the desert (and they live 5 states away from it).
    It must be hard to see so many people (including lots of people who have their own problems and/or don't need to do anything -- they got it made already) sacrificing their time, money, equipment, and their own safety for strangers, regardless of race or creed, because of Jesus Christ. No government contracts. No reimbursement. No reward.
    Except in heaven.
    You won't see any of this on CNN or ABC. It doesn't fit their agenda. Unless they can get a shot of someone with a rifle.
    With a church in the background.
    "Alt-right Nationalists Patrol For Black Looters!"
    "God, Guns, and Shoot To Kill In Florida!!"

    Keep cheering.

  2. Go figure. Organizations that pay no taxes have full hoppers to dump into whatever they want.

    Of course they have the most funding, tell me, what population of the nation is religious/Christian?

    The funny thing is what is the motivation of these religious groups... is it to help? or is it to proselytize and market/advertise how awesome they are?

    If it was purely to assist those in aid, this wouldn't even be a topic... now would it?

    Secular relief organizations simply don't have the non-taxed monetary force to compete with religion. Trying to strut around like religious organizations are so much better is just silly... it's like saying blue is blue. It's almost a tautology.

    Imclain - Doctors Without Boarders is where I donate my money.

  3. FEMA is not there to help people.
    They build and prepare for prison camps in the future.
    For citizens who don't "go along" with the political plans . . .

  4. I KNEW there would be a spin. NO church I know of is PAYING anyone to go help and they aren't taking million dollar deductions for it, either. You still can't admit that Christ is so popular, with "full hoppers" and his followers are so selfless in others times of need.
    They give up all that time and money so they can wade into fire ant balls and such, just to be able to talk to people about Jesus? How much have heroes like Zuckerberg and Soros done?? How about your baby darling Chelsea clinton? Rosie? Cooper? Beyonce?
    It's because of taxes, huh?
    I didn't see ONE ad telling the country how great the churches are doing in this crisis.
    I DID see dozens of Red Cross ads.
    I don't know ONE religious group that has appeared on TV bragging about their efforts.
    "the funny thing is....", huh? You mean the "we atheists would help but our taxes are just too burdensome to get our Prius down there and sweat a little?" logic?
    Who is it funny to, other than you?
    You seem to be desperately reaching for ANYTHING to denigrate what must really irritate you. It didn't work.
    Taxes stop others from helping??????????
    Or is it it self-centered, selfish, arrogant, and pious intellectualism that keep the atheists above the fray?

  5. @ Imclain

    Ah, as per usual you miss the point, then blast ad hominem and strawmen.

    Please go re-read my original post. It is clear that Christ is popular. Christians are the majority of the population, it stands to reason that Christians would have the most dollars to put into relief efforts.

    71 billion by the way. That's the amount of tax dollars NOT payed. Not how much churches take in. That's the amount not payed to taxes. To scoff at that as not relevant to the chest beating of how awesome religious folks are because they help people in need is to purposely ignore it, especially when the chest beating is being contrasted against those of no faith. Overladen hoppers indeed.

    Simple math, Imclain... Christians +/- 70% of the population vs Atheists at +/- 3% of the population.

    The Red Cross needs to advertise to get donations... it doesn't have built in "tithers"... and are you suggesting that Churches DON'T advertise, because that is just patently false.

    We wouldn't be having this conversation if the article wasn't posted... sort of ironic don't you think. You claiming they don't boast about how awesome and better they are than other groups who also help out, responding to a post pointing out that they are doing just that in an article that they are doing just that in...

    You see Imclain... you help other people because it's the right thing to do. Not because that help comes with additional baggage, bible, tracts, and missionaries. Not because you expect to convert anyone. You do it because they need help, with no strings attached, because that's what humans do.

    Imclain, you posted several personal attacks that seem very unbecoming for a Christian, if not just mean spirited. You know nothing about me.. it seems disingenuous to hurl such slander... I think it does your arguments a disservice, I would advise staying on point and going off on rants/tangents.

    OH - Amnesty International. Another secular organization I donate to.

  6. Lol.

    You still don't get it.
    Seventy one BILLION?? Who gave you that number? Government accountants? lol. Don't confuse a church with an individual
    Name the religious group that took out ads bragging on themselves.
    Name an atheist organization, just one, that sent oh, say, TEN people to help.
    The Red Cross DOESN'T have "tithers"? I know two people that have auto deductions for that charity. I imagine there are at least a few more.
    Also, tell me how many liberal Christian bashing elitists like Rosie have went there to help? I'll wait.
    And, as per your usual, instead of attributing Christian values to Christians and commending such efforts, you question their "true" motivations. Why? Because they aren't really Christian, right? Only YOU know the evil and dastardly plans of those fake religious zealots, huh? You and Rosie.
    They are just tax evaders believing in a sky fairy?
    You will NEVER get it because your intellectual elitism and smug dismissal of what you don't understand.
    Tell us, while you have our attention, answers to the questions, or you can spin it off in whatever direction you desire.
    Now get your (pri)us down there and lend a hand. Don't sue anyone on the way if you see a Crucifix somewhere in the distance. It will not hurt you, I promise.
    That's a Christian insult.
    From a Christian.

  7. @ Imclain

    Foundation Beyond Belief <---- at disaster areas now, and at previous disaster areas.

    Gotta hand it to you, you are nothing if not tenacious with the adhominems and strawman attacks.

    71 Billion - University of Tampa study on the topic.

    May I applaud you for demanding verification and evidence. You should do that more often.

    Auto deductions are not "tithes". The Red Cross has no holy book demanding 10% of your salary.. so your assertion and analogy fails.

    Whats interesting is you know zero about me, yet assume my religion, politics, and status (elite). Quid pro quo - provide evidence that you can back those up about me.

    Pretty poor insult though, I defend all property owners to display any religious iconography they wish to display on their private property.

    Also, seriously, you should tone the attacks and insults, it really doesn't help your cause.

  8. Hold on a second.
    I'm trying to put on my "I actually care" look.

    Intellectual elitism.

  9. @Imclain

    Intellectual elitism? There is something elite about being smart, educated, and basing opinions and ideas on fact, evidence, and reasoned discourse?

    I guess the grapes must look sour to you, then, don't they?


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