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Thursday, September 07, 2017

Exposing The Narrative Of Debt, Fear, And Insecurity

On March 4 1933 FDR in his inaugural address to the American people said,

“…the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself….”

And it’s true. It is fear more than anything else that prevents people from turning away from what has failed them and stays their hand from picking up the tools which would allow them to build what would work better. And precisely because it is true, every politician, banker, judge and general has realised that if they wished to stop change from weakening their grip on power and wealth, then what they need above all else is …more fear.

As FDR went on to say, it is

“…nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes….”

So if you want to control a people and contain their desire to replace the system which benefits you, with one that benefits them, then you need to feed them fear and the more of it and the more slippery and inscrutable it seems to them, the better.


1 comment:

  1. The communist Russian fear was destroyed when the Wall came down. but lo and behold, 911 a global of Savior!! that has done nothing but perpetuate a global terroristic threat! funded by globist? this kind of stuff makes you go uhmmm who really benefits from this?


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