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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Democrats Say Immigration Could Hurt Republicans In 2018 Or Something

If Donald Trump and the GOP do not defend people who are unlawfully present in the United States, it could mean doom, because people who tend to not vote GOP will not vote GOP again

Immigration controversy could hurt GOP, Democratic poll finds

President Donald Trump’s immigration policies could take Texas and other states with big Latino populations down the same path as reliably Democratic California – if Republicans in Congress don’t support the Dream Act, a new Democratic poll suggests.

Leaders of the Latino Victory Project, which paid for the nationwide poll, found Hispanic voters overwhelmingly disapprove of Trump after his first eight months in office. Trump won 28 percent of the Latino vote in the 2016 election, according to exit polls. The new survey, conducted earlier this month, showed 24 percent approve of the job he’s doing now.



  1. And remember the polls showed Hildabeast was going to win the presidency....

  2. So many Hispanics and other LEGAL immigrants who worked and studied hard to qualify as US Citizens asr VERY upset with the illegal border rush and are behind stopping it with whatever means necessary Trump won't lose a single vote enforcing our borders. I'm willing to bet he will gain more of their votes in 2020!


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