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Saturday, September 09, 2017

Dear Non-Floridians,

Rules when discussing the hurricane with Floridians need to be put in place....

1) Calling people who don't evacuate "idiots" or saying "they deserve what happens to them" is a judgement statement that without facts, you are not qualified to make. 

2) Just go get a plane ticket! (You can't just fly out.) Don't make statements or give advice on how we should evacuate. You don't have the slightest knowledge of what we are up against. There are challenges to leaving. Flights out are being changed, cancelled, delayed. Tickets are $2-3,000 higher than they normally are and that's one way. 

3) Don't say "Get in your car and drive fast out" A) Gas stations are getting fuel still, but that fuel is gone before the lines are empty.
B. ) There is no driving fast. Cars are moving 5-7 mph on highways trying to get to safety. The lines are long and imagine, with a gas shortage, being stuck on highways in jams for 12-15 hours.
4) Florida has one way out, and that is through the top (Northern) part of the state. There are basically 2 major roads out. Those roads are jammed, backed up, and not expected to change.
5) To post "Florida is about to be wiped off the map" because you are watching the news reports and panicking from 3,000 miles away- is not the most uplifting thing for us to see. Plus, don't speak your devastation to us. Be positive!
6) "If I lived in Florida, I would have evacuated a week ago." Well I'm not so sure that you would have. It's not that simple if you have a heart...not only that, you don't know until the final days which path the storm is going to take. Homes have to be boarded up. Things have to be done to ensure that if you do leave, you have somewhere to return.
7) Stop saying God is angry and that's why Texas went through what Texas went through and that Florida is being hit. God isn't angry. Every person in the path of destruction was created in His image. Every person not in the path of destruction was created in His image. He is not angry. He is not judging us. He is not putting His wrath down. If you believe that, we don't serve the same God.
8.) "Go to a safer part of the state." Yes, we thought of that. No one knows exactly what part that is. If Irma takes a turn it could hit the west coast- if we are all fleeing to the west coast because it says the east coast is the most dangerous, then that could be costly. We know what we need to do and we are monitoring the situation.
Feel Free to pray for us!
Feel Free to check on us, text us, call us. But, don't text your fears of our demise. Don't call us crying because you are scared for us.
We have a storm to conquer and we need to be healthy, mentally and physically.
When your son or daughter or friend gets ready to go play in a competitive sport ... before the game, do you call them and say ....
"you are going to lose" 
"don't show up for the game" 
"The odds are against you"
I would hope not... well we are preparing to overcome this storm. 

Send us some prayers and encouragement! We welcome it! If you are going to do anything less than that, turn your TV or radio off and keep your mouth shut!

God bless all, stay safe, love and help your neighbors.


  1. Kurt Cameron should read this.

  2. I recently read about hurricanes going back to 1918. I didn't realize how many have hit Florida and all parts of USA causing catastrophic damages and high death tolls. I got tired of reading. It certainly isnt CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING or anything else other then living in the natural path of HURRICANES and TROPICAL STORMS.

  3. Must be written by a liberal... It's a bunch of rules limiting free speech.

    1. It is not limiting your free speech. Only asking to be considerate understanding and respectful. Respect is lacking in free speech.

  4. Is this letter from one of our pass government officials who ran the government system of Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury down to the ground leaving us to suffer. Well. Well. God don't like scoundrels and ugly.

  5. You are going to drown or be crushed if you stay in Florida.

  6. Really ! It's weather. You either know how to roll with or not. If you can afford to live there you can afford the consequences. Forget immigrants why do we end up bailing out people in flood zones. Let's return those states to National Park status lol whats a bunch of condos full of retired Jews,Trailer Parks full of White Trash Snow Birds and Cuban expats even the natives are not native. BLOW IT ALL BACK TO THE SWAMPS.

  7. Those who decide to ignore a MANDATORY Evacuation should have to figure it out! Why should emergency personnel be put at risk for those who don't heed the warning? Emergency personnel are just that...in an EMERGENCY! When u make bad choices, YOU suffer the consequences!

  8. 12:44 pm,
    I could not have said if better. These beach rats have made millions of dollars off the insurance from hurricane that we working folks have paid for years sitting on dry land. I could NOT have said it better.

  9. Half of the traffic on I95 today from North Carolina to Washington DC had Florida tags.

  10. 12:44, it sounds like you have never been to FL or ever read a book. Look up Hazel, Irene and Agnes. The eastern shore is an island and about the same elevation above sea level as much of the state of FL.


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