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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

DACA Fraud Rate at ’40 to 50 Percent’, Says Former Immigration Official

Fraud is rampant and “huge” for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a former official with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency alleges.

Under DACA, nearly 800,000 illegal aliens were given temporary protected status and work permits to remain in the United States. Experts have told Breitbart Texas that during the Obama Administration, background screening was lax.

In an interview with LifeZette, former USCIS manager of the agency’s investigative unit, Matt O’Brien, alleged that the fraud rate for DACA is roughly “40 to 50 percent” and potentially even “higher”:



  1. They do if you ain't born in the USA!!!!!

  2. "Trump’s rise is a direct result of white supremacy. Period. He is unqualified and unfit to be president. He is not a leader. And if he were not white, he never would have been elected.-- Jemele Hill, ESPN commentator

    White commentators Curt Schilling, Linda Cohn, and Britt McHenry have been fired or reprimanded by ESPN for mildly criticizing Barack Obama or sharing politically incorrect memes, but when an angry black female like Jemele Hill lies and rants about President Donald J. Trump ESPN calls it "inappropriate" and she keeps her job. ESPN is trying to be relevant by hiring SJWs, but they are alienating decent white people who spend money with their advertisers and keep their business afloat.

  3. I support President Trump 100%!


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