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Monday, September 04, 2017

Could you be a Wells Fargo account victim? 5 things to do

Trust issues can ruin any relationship, including the one you have with your bank. And when a financial institution makes too many mistakes, you may be left to clean up the mess.

Wells Fargo faces numerous accusations its employees have engaged in misconduct against customers. The long list includes: opening bogus bank and credit card accounts, charging borrowers for unnecessary auto insurance and modifying mortgages without approval.

Now, two federal regulators and the San Francisco Federal Reserve are reportedly looking at the bank’s guaranteed auto protection insurance program. Thousands of consumers who paid off loans in advance may not have received refunds they were owed.



  1. Good thing they are protected by
    Two Sets of Laws.

    YOU or I do those things, we are destroyed and jailed.
    THEY buy their wife another Mercedes.
    AND laugh at you.

    YOU keep cheering.
    It is unreal.

  2. I have been screwed by three banks in my life. I won't name the banks as all of them have merged with others or go into detail of the mistakes they made.

    In every case, the second I discovered the mistake I closed the accounts and took my money elsewhere.

    This is why I have never done direct deposit.

    If a bank screws me, I don't have to jump through the additional hoops necessary to change the direct deposit to the account at the new bank.


  3. Wow, just that amount? They should be fined a lot more. They have ruined prior customers credit, caused a big mess and they are not being penalized with job losses and more fines? Banks get too many bail outs, but consumers get the screws put to them, so sad.


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