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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Conspiracy Theory?


  1. those of us that were alive and well that day know what happened, this is as bad as still wondering what happened to Princess Diana

  2. Whoops! Didn't fit the narrative.

  3. 9:04--
    I entirely disagree. We know an official in DC who said the same thing as the video, that there were no airplane pieces, unlike when the plane hit the bridge up there all those years ago. Much of this IMO was a false flag to warrant us going to war.

  4. I just watched this last night, among others.

  5. 1022, leave history to the historians/record keepers. Concentrate on your future WITHOUT relying on others.

    You can do it, I have confidence in your abilities window licker!

  6. So what supposedly happened to those who were aboard the flight. Where are the bodies?

  7. Oh Golly Gee - Wonder what year CNN started producing "Fake News". Must have been after 2001 from reading comments on here. The mouths did not seem to be forming the words spoken. Who was that scary guy that popped on screen as video staticed out. To me this video is suspicious, mighty suspicious

  8. 1:16, this is the question that I have as well. Don't get me wrong, I will never trust our government, but there are still a lot of questions...

  9. This is the Pentagon for crying out loud. DC has more cameras then any other place in the world. You can not walk 2 steps without being on a dozen different vido surveillance cameras. So where are all the pictures?

  10. The real cover up was the plane that crashed in PA. The government ALLOWED the passengers to be portrayed as "heroes" when in reality it was shot down by the fighter jets were sent out to intercept it, on the orders of Dick Cheney in the White House operations center. That crash site was quarantined and scrubbed of any and all pieces of evidence (of a air-to-air missile attack). It is part of the military record that the fighter jets were sent to intercept the plane that they knew was headed back to DC, and the fighter jets were in visual contact with the plane when it went down. They had orders to shoot and to stop the plane from reaching DC. It is not a coincidence that the plane crashed in a remote area of PA where not one building was touched, and not one person on the ground was injured, or killed. It is practically in the middle of nowhere. I have visited the site several times and seen the memorial. The military pilots did their job, and did it well in selecting the best spot to take down the plane. The military was protecting the capital of our country at that point. Those people were already doomed to die. There was no escaping their fate. Our military decided the time and place, not the terrorists that hijacked the plane. But I don't have any problem with the government allowing the martyrs on that plane being portrayed as heroes. If it was any solace to the families of the victims, then no one should argue with the deception of what really happened.

  11. tragically forgotten.
    Two Trillion. Just like that.
    Only a day before 911, on September 10, 2001, kindly Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, admitted, during the last peaceful day of terror-free living, that 2.3 trillion of Pentagon money was missing and unaccounted for.

    What a fortunate thing to happen---a wonderful thing, this 911 attack---wonderful indeed for those who stole/ embezzled/ purloined/ pocketed those trillions. Suddenly "Arab terrorists" had provided a Godsend (Allah be praised), provided a perfect distraction, for generals and general contractors and Fortune 500 corporations and the Pentagon comptroller and the Sec-Def and everyone else it seems---everyone, that is, but the average American or the average Muslim. Imagine if you owned a bank and an investigation determined that you and your relatives had embezzled two trillion dollars from your bank. Newspapers blared the headline: "Two Trillion Missing." But--BUT---before the ink had dried on the tabloids, a nasty group of Islamofascists blew your bank ( or at least the records section) to smithereens. What a lucky break for you and your relatives. What an unlucky break for all those employees killed.
    But wait! In the following weeks, government inspectors (without investigating further) allowed your bank, encouraged your bank, to collect MORE funds---500 billion more per year---to squander or spend however you felt.
    Because that is EXACTLY what happened in the 24 hours between the time Rumsfeld admitted the money went missing from the Pentagon and the 911 "terror" attack on the five-sided fortress.Flight 77, or the remote controlled aircraft that blew concentric holes through six walls (airplane parts indicate the latter), slammed into the newly remodeled Army financial management/audit area and the Army personnel offices, one of two main west section offices heavily destroyed in the Pentagon attack. The other section being the Naval Command Center. Casualties were heavy.


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