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Thursday, September 07, 2017

Claims of 'massive election fraud' in Chicago

There were nearly 15,000 more general election votes cast in Chicago than the number of voters, the Republican Party claims.

The head of the Chicago GOP Chris Cleveland has accused the Chicago Board of Elections of 'massive incompetence or massive fraud' over a discrepancy in voting figures.

He filed a Freedom of Information Act request in January for a list of voters who had cast ballots in November.



  1. Everyone claims voter fraud, but the question is, will it be investigate or anything done about it, answer, no!!!!!

  2. Sounds sort of like the 2012 elections when Obama pulled 100 percent of the vote in several precincts across the country, particularly around the Philadelphia area

  3. I am interested in seeing how many "over-votes" were cast in those precincts that voted for HRC. My guess is that is where we'll find the overages.

  4. The Democrats Obama, Shumer, Pelosi, Clinton etc. all claim their is no voter fraud. However you cannot deny the evidence that proves voter fraud. Congress or the states will never do anything to correct this problem. Even with all the voter fraud Trump still won the election: (and you know that really pisses off the democrats) They can't even cheat good enough to matter.

  5. 3:25

    Spot on!

    When Algore lost to Bush they tried to steal the election by repeatedly recounting but still couldn't win.

    Remember the "Hanging Chads"? Those were paper ballots that had a pinhole thru the vote but didn't push out the chad. The only way you get hanging chads is by shoving 5 ballots into the voteamatic and trying to punch them out all at once.

  6. Everybody knows that Democrats cheat but nothing is ever done.


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