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Friday, September 08, 2017

Charlottesville Votes To Remove ‘Stonewall’ Jackson Statue From Park

It was a unanimous vote in Charlottesville, Va. Tuesday to remove a statue of Gen. Thomas “Stonewall Jackson, NBC affiliate WVIR reported. With five in favor and none against, the city council decided to take down the statue of the Virginia-born Confederate hero who is routinely recognized throughout the world as a military genius.

Since the council first announced its plans to remove a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee, and the subsequent riots between white supremacists and Antifa activists, Charlottesville has been ground zero for the continuing debate on how Confederate leaders should be acknowledged in U.S. history.

The council also decided to quickly find an alternate location for the Lee statue.

Councilman Bob Fenwick commented on the city’s decision by declaring both statues “should be in a museum” and not in a public park.



  1. When will Stone Mountain fall prey to this nuttiness?

  2. What a bunch of fools

  3. Hope those MLK statues don't come down?

    1. THEY remind us of slavery too.

      It seems that nobody is able to govern anymore.

  4. Save the statues, put them back up next year in the middle of the night when the idiot crowd is busy with the next SJW Charge de Jour and no one will ever notice! At least that way the vandals of Antifa's won't destroy them.

  5. What civil war? There was a civil war in the U.S.?

  6. and they think these are hurricanes? they are rebels' ghosts riding in and exacting revenge.

  7. General Jackson is turning over in his grave at the disrespect being shown to his beloved Virginia.

  8. Disgusting, ignorant trash.

  9. A statue that doesn't move offends them but a women in a bra standing there does not? Put some clothes on you fool. You look gross!

    1. Oh man! Why did you have to point that out 9:47 ? 🤢
      That thing is gross! 🤣

  10. When are the people going to remove all of these gutless, idiot politicians so they can't make stupid decisions based on nut groups?


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