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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

BREAKING: Report Shows Obama Spied On Manafort Before And After Election-

We now have positive evidence of spying on private citizens, and this completely absolves Trump from the ridiculous attempts of the media.

One time Trump campaign chair, Paul Manafort, was the target of a secret court ordered wire tapping, both before and after the election. This is one of the leading reasons why Manafort will be facing incitement. Things are coming apart for the political operative. With the eavesdropping happening earlier this year, it is possible that conversations involving the President were also collected – yet, Trump has not been confronted for any personal involvement.

A lot of the evidence and intelligence that was taken from such wore tapping was clues that indicated the Russians may have had something to do with eh campaign itself. So far, the only saving grace is that two sources have claimed that the evidence gathered is not definitive…Yeah. You can now sense that when the worst of the news came out, CNN and the rest of the biased media camped out all day on the bad portion, yet ignored the sources claims.



  1. Considering the 'illegal' nature of the surveillance, the charges should be dismissed for improper evidence. Since we know that the judges have been stacked to the liberal bias - the dismissal won't happen. He should be pardoned!

  2. YET = Nothing ever done to OBAMA or Hillary !!! ????

  3. This only verifies what many already knew about Obama and his lawlessness as president. He should be indicted for every crime he committed while in office. Justice is blind.

  4. He was dealing with a foreign hostile government, sorry but people like this should be watched.

  5. Double Standard is the Law in America today , a set of rules / laws for those Teflons , and a set for the rest of us !!! FACT If you have no $$$$ = Nothing Coming !!

  6. History will prove that Obama and his crew where the worst of the worst! First Black President as well as the biggest criminal!

  7. Please explain what laws President Obama broke.

  8. Obama went back to the Hood after WH !!! Asta Lavista !!

    He was Worse than a SPY .....America's Worst Enemy !!!


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