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Thursday, September 07, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Rt. 50 West Bound Shut Down In Willards: UPDATE

There's been a serious accident near the Shell Gas Station in Willards, west bound. Rt. 50 is closed for the time being. 

UPDATE: They have opened one lane.


  1. There was an accident on Zion or Zion Church road!!!! The one that takes you to the mall... This morning around 8 AM...

    Man, I tell you, most of you people can't drive worth a damn, and more than likely it was someone texting while driving... Because we all know, texting someone right away is more important than life itself!!!!!

  2. There is no merge lane when trying to turn westbound so they have to go from 0 to 60 in the fast lane without being hit.

  3. 10:36 'they' could do like any sane person and wait till it is clear of traffic and then pull out, that seems to work fine for me in this area!

  4. The ambulance in the photo is in the fast lane and not at the intersection. Looks to be about midway between Bent Pine and Willards Main Street intersections.

    1. There is no such thing as a "fast lane". The speed limit is the same in BOTH lanes.

  5. 10:08--

    If I hadn't seen them in time, I would have been hit by a young girl in a blue vehicle who totally ran a red light today @ Camden Ave. in Fruitland. She was looking down in her lap, presumably texting; never looked up until well after the light. I want to ask my insurance company if I can get a discount for all the collisions I avoid on a daily basis (average 3/day).

    1. Aren't you special. You are such an accomplished driver. Yay for you!!! What does your incident have to do with this report? Absolutely nothing. Here is a tip, stop making everything about YOU!!! Talk about narcissistic...your comment adds nothing. It just shows how self centered you are. I bet you are a pleasure to be around.

  6. Can't blame it on vacationers any more - they are LONG GONE!!!!!

  7. 6:51, and who the heck are you commenting about? There is more than on comment on this post.

  8. 6:51 is commenting on the poster from 2:02


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