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Saturday, September 23, 2017

Bernie Sanders: 'Thank you, John McCain'

Sen. Bernie Sanders gave a shout out to Sen. John McCain at a rally Friday to support a government-run healthcare system, saying he wished that the Senate's other Republicans lawmakers were more like the stubborn Arizonan.

"Thank you, John McCain," Sanders, the Senate's only avowed socialist and a Vermont independent, said at a San Francisco rally hosted by National Nurses United, a leftist union. The comment drew a tepid response from the crowd..



  1. Both of then are POS. These corrupt idiots have put millions of us in financial jeopardy with their ignorance, making healthcare ins unaffordable. John McCain is getting what he deserves because all his money isn't going to make squat of a difference for him. I hope the same happens to Pelosi and Sanders. Gotta love irony.

    Watch the Vietnam documentary on PBS and you will hate your government even more than you do now. You will discover that it is all just a lie-fest as they whimsically kill off the citizens due to their ego's and ignorance. It's even worse now. It it truly time for a revolt.

  2. Yes thank you John McCain for showing us who you really are. Thank you Arizona for re electing him. Now we really know why he met with soros

  3. Senators coming out say no lobbyists have anything to do with their decisions.

  4. The Libtards are taking advantage of the mentally deranged McCain with his cancer infested brain.


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