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Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Battle Brewing on Capitol Hill as Establishment Aims to Link Hurricane Harvey Aid with Debt Ceiling Hike

As the swamp establishment in Washington plans to move on legislation that would provide funding relief to the Gulf Coast—particularly Houston—in the wake of Hurricane Harvey by linking it to a debt ceiling increase of $2 trillion, conservatives inside and outside of Congress are launching efforts to expose and thwart the plan.

The process the establishment—House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are complicit in this—plans to employ is to first, on Wednesday morning, pass out of the House a so-called “clean” Harvey relief package. On Thursday, the Senate will add to that and tie it to the debt ceiling bill that would raise the debt ceiling by $2 trillion. That means the debt ceiling would be raised past the 2018 midterm elections with no reform whatsoever to spending or government. Then, the Senate would kick that back to the House for final approval before being sent to the president.



  1. The debt ceiling is for bills already incurred.

    It would be nice if I could ignore my current obligations but it just doesn't work that way.

  2. NO. Just no. Pass each separately so that we know who to blame for what.

  3. 3 words: stupid, stupid, stupid.
    Why can't they start making bills for single purpose issues. There is way too much ass-kissing with every bill. That's why they take so long to pass - if they do pass at all.
    The citizens are tired of this BS.

  4. Yes, I believe that was the purpose of the hurricane.

    Oh, I forget sometimes.
    Not everyone realizes the US military creates weather.

  5. They ALWAYS keep raising their Debt ceiling all the time
    that's why it is were it is today !!!!

    You and I have to just go Bankrupt because nobody Raises
    our ceiling , they just cut our credit off, Not raise it !!

    It was said by an expert on tv news that the USA can easily
    Pay it ALL off at any time ,because the Govt takes in WAY
    more from us than it Really needs.......I believe it !!!!

  6. What do they call that? Pork belly legislation? You tack on all kinds of wish list items on to a bill that has nothing to do with the original bill. Done all the time.


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