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Monday, September 11, 2017

Armed Robberies In OC Result In Five-Year Sentence

SNOW HILL — A Pennsylvania man, charged last winter with two armed robberies about a half an hour apart, pleaded guilty this week to two counts and was sentenced to nine years, all but five of which were then suspended.

Christopher Jones-Rivera, now 19, of Elizabethtown, Pa., on Tuesday pleaded guilty to two counts of armed robbery for a pair of incidents in north Ocean City last January. Jones-Rivera was sentenced to nine years for each count with all but five years suspended. He was also placed on supervised probation for three years upon his release.

The first armed robbery occurred around 10 p.m. on Jan. 28 in a parking lot in the area of 79th Street and Coastal Highway. The second armed robbery occurred about a half an hour later at a municipal bus stop near 138th Street and Coastal Highway. In both incidents, the victims were able to provide a similar description of the suspect and told police he pointed a silver semi-automatic handgun at them during the commission of the crimes.



  1. Dude made out, 5 years isn't bad at all for his charges.

  2. pull a gun in Md and you get away with it. too bad we are not a stand your ground state. such a waste of the cops time and the courts. The prison system is just a revolving door to further funding and justifying criminal activity

  3. @ 8:57 just wait--it will be getting even worse thanks to the "Justice Reinvestment Act" that starts in a few weeks here...people being released from prisons early, maximum sentences reduced on some crimes, people that screw up their parole can only get a "sanction" slap on the wrist...it will be open season on Maryland. Look at California--the cop recently murdered thanks to the same type of program--a thug released early did it.

  4. He will be out in 2 years doing the same.

  5. What a joke, where the police at? Busting teens for weed


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