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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Are you ready for War?

By Thornton Crowe

We may think it's all about North Korea but our real war is internal and very personal.

As our local inner squabbling continues a bigger threat looms in the background that receives almost no attention locally, yet the Eastern Shore would be gravely affected should Kim Yong-Un were to decided New York or DC would be his first US target for one of his ICBM toys. 

All of our extremist groups like ANTIFA, Black Lives Matters and the Klu Klux Klan  along with our local squabbles filled with conflict and unrest have gone to weaken us. They serve as petty distractions while our foes like NK look on and see we've lost our collective mind. This fragmentation within our fiber makes us easy to defeat because we lack the thread that used to hold us together - patriotism.

In short, our inner turmoils on all levels - governmental and societal - have given way to our outer turmoil as we are at an ideological crossroads.  As Americans, we are now tasked to either defend what this country was founded on and has survived on for over 240 years or move towards ideologies that historically, have failed in other countries.

Now we now have to decide: Do we continue as a republic or do we become another state-run country where cradle-to-grave dependency is our only option? The choice is ours as to whether or not we will fight for what made us great or accept what made other countries weak.

Let's hope for all of our children, we continue this America experiment as the latter would ensure they will never embrace the American Dream or aspire to anything more than being a workhorse for the government while living in poverty on the dole.

Because this war starts at it's base level, a very personal choice, we must first decide individually which side we're on. Therefore, it's time for us to decide which end point will it be?

Will we forever change our core or will we fight to preserve it?


  1. Powerful article!

    I can't wait to see the comments.

    1. Send I'm ALL ANTIFA first along with ALL Snowflakes.

    2. IMO Not much powerful about a given. Crow's posting list the potential problem(s), which most of us are aware. What would be powerful is a good solution. I see much suffering in any solution.

  2. You know as well as I that the worse is yet to come. These groups who are supported by the left will never give an inch until we fight back with relentless pressure . This may be what people call a police state , I call it taking our country back . If my president is backed into anymore corners I would love him to call out the military with weapons and ammo. I would expect him to make many arrests at the federal level(obama , hillary and comey).
    Of course this will only happen after he cleans the staff at the white house , FBI, and CIA. I can only say , I stand ready for any and all ways to gain control of this problem. This has gone on way tooooo long.

    1. There day is coming soon.

    2. So, out want a police state solely to support your point of view about how this country should be run? How very patriotic of you. I remember when Republicans actually had integrity. Too bad those days are long gone.

  3. This should be noted as well:

    Breaking News: North Korea carried out its sixth and most powerful nuclear test, claiming it had detonated a hydrogen bomb meant to be mounted on an ICBM

    1. And still we do nothing. The time to act is now, not wait until their missiles are in the air.

  4. Obama called for a civilian army as well armed as the military to do the dirty work for the Democrat party, George Soro's agreed and is the funding behind them. America is the reason why we don't have world wide slavery.

  5. China has been propping up this regime for too long, It's their version of ANTIFA.

  6. 1021 we need to take care of our own version of ANTIFA. They all need to go to jail when they riot without prejudice.

  7. Young people see no reason to fight for what we have because they were never taught any real history and don't understand where we came from. Until that changes we continue our down hill slide.

  8. The only thing that is constant over the course of American history is social and economic change. We have survived wars (civil, world, Indian, Britain, etc.), depressions, end of slavery, Jim Crow, women gaining the right to vote, blacks gaining the right to vote, the great migration, Japanese internment, the industrial revolution, prohibition, end of prohibition, civil rights act, gay rights, and on and on. And yet we not only survive as a nation but remain one of the greatest nations on earth. Without accepting and embracing change we truly will be doomed.

  9. 1054 are you saying we should just go to this NWO and live a dependent life on the government?

  10. Soros needs a visit from seal team 6.....tap tap.

  11. 1122 for the record, most of Seal Team 6 perished in a helicopter crash some times ago. Your point is taken but until the President decides to do something about Soros, he will continue to make trouble for all Americans and other people throughout the world.

  12. Joe. That call for trooper 4 is for a firefighter in sleepy hallow. 16-1 backed over their own guy puttting down blue reflectors.

  13. Kim uses EMP attack and half of billion lives will be wipe out on matter of month with food supplies all gone with no power with tech lost for good and plus H bomb is highly illegal under 1970's arm agreement.

  14. 1208 Kim Jung-Un already starves his citizens, you really think he gives a rat's a** about the US hitting his country? Surely you jest.

  15. 1140 did it ever occur to you that Crowe is trying to get you to think about these things and see how they connect? He's not trying to solve the world problems on his own, he's suggesting that YOU and your buddies start making some movement toward solving them. It takes a village!

  16. Mr. Crowe ---Great Article!
    If not already , you should
    have been a journalist.

  17. "There are more things... likely to frighten us than there are to crush us; we suffer more often in imagination than in reality." -Seneca

    1. Fantastic Quote 118. One we should all heed! Thanks for sharing!

  18. The locals don't find this important enough for them to pay attention. They'll begin bitching with everything is said and done. Then it will be too late to do anything but comply.

  19. The only thing this country is preserving is; HATE, Discontent and Racism at is purist. This country was built on HATE and will die from HATE. The United States of America will weep what it has Sowed.

    1. I disagree. Example, Texas.

    2. If you hate America so much 342 why are you here? Move. Oh wait. Slavery is still legal in many other countries. Don't forget to write!

  20. Good article.I never realized so many of you were willing to suit up and fight.That is what it comes down to you know.This article could be 20 pages long and it would still come down to going to war.Way too much is factored in here.Hydrogen has made sanctions the logical and only good choice.

  21. I'm almost ready. I have the guns. Just need a couple more cases of ammo. Getting there!


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