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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

All Mxed Up: Fifth Grade Teacher Imposes Perverted Gender Politics

What kind of freaks have taken charge of teaching the next generation?

A new fifth-grade teacher at Canopy Oaks Elementary [in Tallahassee, Florida] is asking students to use gender-neutral pronouns in the classroom.

Math and science teacher Chloe Bressack sent the request home in a letter to parents headlined “About Mx. Bressack.”

“… my pronouns are ‘they, them, their’ instead of ‘he, his, she, hers.’ I know it takes some practice for it to feel natural,” the letter reads, “but students catch on pretty quickly.”

The letter also asks that students use “Mx.,” (pronounced ‘Mix’) when addressing the teacher rather than Mr. or Ms.

It is now too much to ask for teachers to encourage kids to speak proper English, and for science teachers not to demand that children deny objective reality.



  1. Teachers are attempting to retire early on disabilitys across the nation. Not for back injurys or victims of assault but for being BIPOLAR. Mental illness is very sad

  2. She should be fired.

  3. Mx.? I've heard this Ebonics before. It's a little like strew, screet,etc. Or the all time favorite Kum Bah Yah. (Come by here) Generations were taught to sing this song incorrectly so as to soften and normalize the negros inability to command the English language. It was a way to make lowering the social bar acceptable. Teachers such as this are still hard at lowering that social bar in the name of equality and acceptance of course. Now we have generations of people that are barely understandable. They don't use prepositions, misuse plurals, substitute alphabet sounds and generally fail at proper English communication. They pass through your neighborhood English teachers class with flying colors somehow and end up unemployable but think they have the aptitude for Wall Street. Great job failing our community teach!!

  4. The only way to combat this is to identify the teacher and go after them individually.

  5. They suggest that conservatives deny the SCIENCE of Global warming, yet they deny the SCIENCE of biology. Imagine that. THEY have no credibility.


  6. She'll be gone by His birthday, Christmas.


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