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Friday, September 08, 2017

A Viewer Writes: WICO

Is it off the air? Nothing but static, meaning no transmitter. Phone is disconnected.


  1. Joe gets your investigative reporter out and about.

  2. well this is very informative. russians?

  3. When they changed format, they shot themselves in the foot.

  4. tunein radio says not available either

  5. also not listed on delmarva broadcasting website

  6. Now if was only those NPR stations........

  7. So sadly now aside from AM 680 WCBM which can only be picked up in certain areas on the shore there isn't any Conservative tall radio available.

    1. You have 92.7 FM which carries Rush at the regular time it is out of Delaware. The only problem is you get some bleed over depending where you are from 92.5 FM.

  8. I'm guessing that if its not on the Rothschild Broadcasting website, that means sit must have been sold.

  9. WICO has been around forever. Almost an integral part of the any area. You would think it shutting down would be big news in the local media.

  10. Knocked out by the massive Solar Flare earlier this week.

  11. 1470 picks up the line up MONDAY!
    It was sold to Adams Radio

  12. I was wondering if it was related to the solar flare and CME myself. I miss Beck, Limbaugh, and Hannity. I hope you are correct and it was picked up by Adams. I'll be tuning in Monday to 1470 to check it out.

  13. I contacted their Facebook page and here is their response "We are off the air temporarily as we work on equipment and programming of the station to improve our system" My BS radar feels the response is not true. I have listened to talk radio since 1963 and this is the worst station I have tried to listened to. I always thought dead air was bad for business. WICCO seems to embrace dead air time.

    1. We appreciate you working with us during this time during this time...lol

  14. I thought the 'Robinson's' bought this station...when they would come on the air, someone said this is the Robinson's and we are working on our station, so we will be off air for periods of time. I know I can't be the ONLY one who heard this. They talked like they were 'liberal' and wanted to have a 'liberal' local presence in this area.

    Please check into this Joe...

  15. It's because of the chain link fence.

  16. Law limits the number of stations one company can have in a given area. A lot of local stations were shuffled between companies about 2 years ago. Might be the case here too.

  17. There isn't anything about it on dcrtv.com they have a not often updated page for eastern shore radio news.


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