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Sunday, September 10, 2017

40 Percent Of Americans Now "Prefer Socialism To Capitalism"

Americans are increasingly embracing socialism, and this is particularly true for young adults under the age of 30. As you will see below, four out of every ten Americans now prefer socialism to capitalism, and if current trends continue it is just a matter of time before those that prefer socialism are in the majority. Of course our society has already been very heavily socialized. We have been trained to believe that if a problem exists, then it is the job of government to fix it, and over time government on all levels of our system has just gotten bigger and bigger. But what most Americans don’t realize is that the United States never would have become an economic powerhouse without free market capitalism, and the further that we drift away from our roots the deeper that our economic problems will become. We need leaders that are willing to stand up and proudly declare that free market capitalism works incredibly well when the shackles are taken off, and that is precisely what I intend to do.

Not too long ago, a survey of U.S. adults was conducted by the American Culture and Faith Institute, and the most disturbing thing that was discovered was that 40 percent of all Americans now “prefer socialism to capitalism”…

“The most alarming result, according to [George] Barna, was that four out of every ten adults say they prefer socialism to capitalism,” the ACFI noted in its commentary on the poll.

“That is a large minority,” Barna said, “and it includes a majority of the liberals — who will be pushing for a completely different economic model to dominate our nation. That is the stuff of civil wars. It ought to set off alarm bells among more traditionally-oriented leaders across the nation.’” That 40 percent of Americans now prefer socialism to capitalism could spell major change to the policies advanced by legislators and political leaders and to the interpretations of judges ruling on the application of new and pre-existing laws.

So what happens when that figure rises above 50 percent?



  1. They are under the assumption that the won't have to work to live under Socialism...LOL They will be forced to work or go hungry...LOL

  2. So I guess that 69% don't.

  3. The just don't get that there's no magic formula to make it sustainable. It's a scheme of continuously diminishing returns and abilities, giving up control of all aspects of industry and social welfare to the State. Citizens will get used to the word "mandatory", which will describe government service (military and civilian), education (content closely prescribed by government), family size, birth control, housing, nutrition and every other facet of life. The privileged class will be in control of everything, operating under a cloak of secrecy; they, indeed, will be the government - the permanent government. Media will exist to promote the State. Non-conformance with the State's policies will not be tolerated. Wars will still be fought. Poverty will still exist. And all the while, the diminishing returns, taking us to the only logical conclusions.

  4. So, just move there! It's that simple! Goodbye!

  5. If this trend continues Atlas will eventually Shrug.


  6. Planes leave here daily. Choose a country, we're the only one left so don't destroy mine.

    Have a nice time there.

  7. They are indoctrinated in college by liberal professors what did you expect.
    Friday on all the major tv channels the are having EIF presents XQ very scary they are liberals, activists, community organizers who want to take over the education system. They want to revamp how your child is taught and NOT in a good way !!


  8. Democrats win if they go the polls.

  9. Apparently they haven't been paying attention to the goings-on in Venezuela; socialism doesn't work!

  10. When you see fraud from Wells Fargo and Bernie madoff, etc, it's easy to see why people become disillusioned by corporate greed. They fail to see how socialism destroyed Venezuela, Cuba, etc.

  11. Non issue for the next 7.5 years. Go TRUMP

  12. We are not going Socialist, so if you want Socialism, you will need to chose one to move to.

    May I suggest Venezuela? They have vast oil resources and could be a major player on the world market, making plenty of money to pay everyone great wages and have a fantastic lifestyle! Look it up! Socialism at its greatest!

    Expedia has flights leaving daily, and you can transfer all your bank accounts there without a problem! It's a beautiful country.

    There are many other choices in different climates; the possibilities are endless!

    Please, go there! We like our Constitutional Republic just fine, and if you just can't stand it, now you have a great venue that will accept your values?

    Just leave us the heck alone!nWe LIKE our Constitution, which you have never read.

  13. They THINK they prefer Socialism because of all the fake news and misinformation the Marxists use to implement it. Fools. Lol

  14. Quick .....send them to N. Korea.

  15. Try out those socialist income taxes!

  16. Please Socialist leave us swiftly for the grandeur of Venezuela where other idiots of your type have created another Paradise.

  17. Obviously these people do not understand the concept. They should go to a socialist country for a while and see how things work first hand then maybe they will understand why so many are flocking to the U.S. Due to entitlement mentality, I fear the younger generations have lost the motivation and drive to contribute and benefit from their productivity.

  18. 8:35 except for the socialist baltic countries that have significantly less debt than us...it can work. We just have an abundance of lazy people raised by idiots with no concept of social responsibility.

  19. 40 Percent Of Americans Now "Prefer Socialism To Capitalism"

    Of course they do, because they are surviving off of the taxpayers trough now.

  20. These are the 47% that Mitt Romney was talking about. They are also the Antifa thuggettes, the Showing Up For Racial Justice clowns and the Democrats. All in 1.

    They are also the idiots that want to remove all the Confederate monuments and rename anything with a Confederate name on it.

    We as American citizens need to be careful with those people because they are the ones that will be in the middle of the civil war. They will be the reason we are fighting a civil war.

  21. That's all due to Obama, and his putting millions more on the pubic housing, food stamps, free health ins., and free phone, government programs. He eliminated the need to work for a large portion of the population. THAT's socialism.


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