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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe: 'We Will Not Prosecute Killers of White Farmers'

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has said that people who murdered white farmers during a government-sanctioned purge in the 2000s will never be prosecuted.

The 93-year-old president addressed a rally in Harare on Monday to mark Heroes’ Day, which commemorates soldiers who have fought for the country, particularly in its independence war against British colonizers.

Zimbabwe implemented a controversial land reform program in 2000 that saw squatters invade and seize hundreds of white-owned farms around the country. The violent seizures resulted in the murder of several white farmers, with many more displaced, and close associates of Mugabe given large chunks of land.

“Yes, we have those who were killed when they resisted. We will never prosecute those who killed them. I ask, why should we arrest them?” Mugabe said, according to Zimbabwean news site NewsDay.



  1. Our juries are going to start not-convicting murderers of thugs pretty soon as well. Jury nullification will grind the justice system to a halt!

  2. Wait... I thought only white people could be racist? Hmmmmmm

  3. If this was the other way around the US would be intervening with military force. This will happen here if we don't wake up and stop antifa , blm and the democrat party from obtaining control.

  4. Democrats use to own the family's of BLM group.


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