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Friday, August 11, 2017

YouTube CRACKS DOWN on Diamond and Silk

Pro-Trump personalities Diamond and Silk took to Twitter Thursday, accusing Google-owned YouTube of demonetizing 95 percent of their videos. The pair believes YouTube’s decision was driven by their support for President Trump.

News of the largely demonetized channel comes less than two weeks since the company announced plans to fight inappropriate content.

The popular duo has 89,000 subscribers on YouTube and another 361,000 on Twitter.

More here


  1. Guess what, that's the power of capitalism. Bakeries don't have to sell cakes to gay couples and youtube doesn't have to pay Trump's supporters.

  2. 9:15 Tell that to the bakery in Colorado that was sued for not making a gay coupled cake. You see it should go both ways but with liberals it's always a one way highway. My way or no way. So don't quote capitalism to me until I see it going both ways!

  3. I agree 9:15 as long as the courts rule the same on both issues. However, I am not sure these two are authentic. I think they are just chasing fame and will flip depending on who is in office.

  4. Its politics; not race

  5. Continue to let your voice be heard. The left wants to silence we the people and we must not allow this to happen under any circumstances.

  6. 9:45 they are free to move to a state that is more in line with their beliefs. Welcome to Democracy.

    1. You do know that case was heard by the Supreme Court right? What does state have to do with it? You seem to be absolutely clueless.

  7. 11:38 There is no longer a democracy in this country. Thank your corrupt politicians for that.

  8. I was wondering where they have been.

  9. Thankfully, the United States was NEVER a democracy (majority rule).

    The United States of America was founded as a Constitutional Republic.
    Learn the truth.

  10. It's a joke. They are both really men.

  11. 5:03, it is almost comically isn't it? I had to correct my children's teachers on several occasions when they were in primary school about NOT being a democracy.


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