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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Woman dies from horrific infection after eating raw oysters

A Texas woman has died after eating contaminated oysters while on vacation, according to reports.

Jane White Cunningham, 56, contracted a severe infection from raw oysters, which contained the bacteria Vibrio, news station DFW-TV reported. The bacteria is typically found in saltwater.

Cunnningham was hospitalized at the Gulfport Mississippi Hospital, where she underwent surgery on Aug.8.

“There has been a lot of swelling in her extremities and a lot of pain,” husband David Cunningham wrote on Facebook. “Today they had to amputate both legs and her left arm in an attempt to save her life as the infection was spreading rapidly.”



  1. If they aren't cooked, I'm not eating them.

  2. This bacteria is in MD waterways also. It can infect an open wound too. It needs chlorophyll to survive and because MD waterways are degraded with algae this bacteria can survive. Especially do not eat raw seafood from May-Oct.
    This may be what some people contracted while swimming in the ocean in VA Beach a few weeks ago.

  3. As a kid we never started to oyster until November and stopped in march and this was not a problem. A little common sense can go a long way.


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