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Monday, August 07, 2017

Wicomico Schools Benefitting From Business Partnership

SALISBURY — Thanks to a partnership that started in 1999 between West Salisbury Elementary and Baxter Enterprises/McDonald’s, thousands of teachers and tens of thousands of students from throughout Wicomico County Public Schools have benefited from support that exceeds well over $500,000.

“Baxter Enterprises CEO Tom Baxter and his daughter and son-in-law, Tiffany and Shawn Beach, owner/operators, have been wonderful supporters of public education across Delmarva, including in Wicomico County Public Schools,” said Dr. Donna C. Hanlin, Superintendent of Schools. “We greatly appreciate Baxter Enterprises and its outstanding commitment to education, which during the 2016-2017 school year totaled more than $38,000.”

Baxter Enterprises provides coupons and bicycles to reward good scholarship and citizenship at the elementary level, hosts spirit nights at some of the 19 Baxter McDonald’s restaurants on Delmarva, awards scholarships for graduating seniors and presents annual McEducator Awards to top teachers from each elementary school.



  1. well aint that special? nice to see, so where are all the awards for the private schools in wicomico county? what they don't rate? why because they don't get public tax dollar support? seems to me they would need it more then the county rat holes called public education with unlimited tax dollar support!
    more reason to not put this garbage in my body!

  2. How bout ess and 2nd floor with no ac

  3. Is that Baxter to the left, good lord that's a big man. Looks 7feet tall


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