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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Why Elites Are Winning the War on Cash

Visa recently unveiled its own offensive in the war on cash. Visa is offering certain merchants a $10,000 reward if they refuse to accept cash in the future.

Not surprisingly, Visa’s competitor is also part of the war on cash. Mastercard is increasing its efforts to encourage merchants to refuse cash. Here’s Bloomberg, quoting the CEO of Mastercard:

“Mastercard Chief Executive Officer Ajay Banga has been one of the most ardent supporters of ditching paper currency in the U.S. The 57-year-old first declared his war on cash in 2010.”

These private efforts by Visa and MasterCard exist side by side with official efforts to eliminate or discourage the use of cash coming from governments in India, Australia, Sweden as well as the United States.



  1. Lucifer can't take power until the one world government and cashless society is in place,believe in Jesus and be saved.

  2. I can't recall exactly, but an airline was pursued legally for refusing to accept US currency and only take credit cards. If this is true of Visa, you can bet I will cancel my card!

  3. yep its a setup!!all this nonsence, divide, hostilty, hate anger.. and now cash. these are NOT of GOD

    Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name

  4. It has nothing to do with religion.
    The war on cash is necessary in order to hide the fact that the US Dollar has been printed into oblivion.
    The Central Bankers (Fed, ECB, BOJ) have printed tremendous amounts of "currency" in the form of debt creation.
    All of the Bonds have been "purchased" with money printed out of thin air.
    The National Debts are totally fake and should be repudiated / renounced - and the citizens should refuse to pay income taxes.
    Our currency is trash.

    So they want to prevent us from using cash.
    We will become debt servants. Slaves to the banks.

    It is a real conspiracy against the people and it will happen sooner or later.

    Thank you

  5. Well, if you use credit cards all the time, how are you supposed to pay those bills when you receive them in the mail, with another credit card??

  6. Nobody can go very long with buying something, the elimination of cash means the government can track your movement every time you purchase anything. Loss of all freedom supported by American hating traitors.

  7. Skynet is on our doorstep!

  8. When you don't have cash, you don't have any money. All that's left is credit, and electronic data. Just wait until the computer networks all go down simultaneously (cyber warfare)and see what you have, or what you can buy, without money. The ones that "hold" your money in a data file are going to love it when the system fails. Every auto deposit of your paycheck makes your hard earned money "disappear." It doesn't really exist anymore when it is digitalized.

  9. Well, if you use credit cards all the time, how are you supposed to pay those bills when you receive them in the mail, with another credit card??

    August 23, 2017 at 5:11 AM:

    Really? Just have an electronic funds transfer from your bank account (like payroll deposit, in reverse)to pay the credit card monthly payment. You see, it really is quite easy to go without any cash in your pocket. But I recommend that everyone keep some money on hand, just in case.....

  10. Cash is king Why would merchants want to loose 4% on sales??


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