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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Welcome To Fruitland


  1. and get robbed going and raped coming back

  2. They even have community shopping carts you can push there... Now that's living the American Dream.

  3. Walk? Hell no, we're taking the golf cart.

  4. I saw a video of the chief on FOX news few years ago during a traffic stop

  5. It's Fruitland, nuff said?

  6. Fruitland WalMart is the worst. If you need something go north they have a better inventory

  7. LOL! This is so true... However, I would add pay higher taxes for absolutely no services.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Fruitland WalMart is the worst. If you need something go north they have a better inventory

    August 15, 2017 at 10:12 AM

    I think just the opposite.

  9. Both Salisbury and Fruitland are constantly out of the same things week after week. They will have 100 of a strawberry flavor sitting on the shelf and the spot for another flavor is empty. This is just one example it happens all throughout both stores. The pet food department is the worst! I even mentioned things to the manger. Her response was. Well we don't sell a lot of that product. Well I guess you don't when there is none on the shelf to sell! Idiots. I would rather pay more for the product at another store than have to keep going to check to see if they might have the item in stock.

    1. So why do you return?? Week after week??

  10. Need a golf cart lane officials!

  11. Pay Double Taxes / water-sewer / etc etc toooooooo !!!

  12. 11:24 You can check to see if in stock online.

  13. Don't worry the police will be there to give you a ticket for jay walking or tell your tag light is out when it isnt so they can run ypur license.


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