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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Virginia House candidate's LinkedIn lists college degrees he doesn't have

A candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates listed a master’s degree and Ph.D. that he does not have on his LinkedIn page and provided information to a local news outlet that he had a master’s degree.

When interviewed this week, Laquan Austion, a Republican candidate in Northern Virginia, acknowledged that he did not have those degrees. He’s running in House District 2, a competitive swing district that includes parts of Prince William and Stafford counties and is represented by Del. L. Mark Dudenhefer, R-Stafford, who did not seek re-election to instead run for the Stafford County Board of Supervisors.

Austion’s LinkedIn page lists a master’s in political and policy management, American government and politics, and a Ph.D. in public policy analysis from George Washington University.



  1. Another politician with absolutely NO accountability and will get away with it. DEPLORABLE!!!

  2. 8:10 AM, that is becasue people like you let them get away with it!!!!


  3. If he hasn't done so already, he should immediately withdraw from the race.

    Regardless of party affiliation, a liar is a liar.

  4. Too bad. This is a slap in the face of those who actually do have those type degrees. The degrees are not easy to earn and require hard work. Kind of like the idiots who where parts of military uniforms and never served.


  5. Notice to all candidates and prospective employees: It's 2017 and information like this is fairly easy to verify.

    Run or apply on your actual accomplishments!


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