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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

University of San Francisco to host blacks-only student orientation

Program will ‘address the specific needs’ of black students

The University of San Francisco this week is scheduled to host a segregated orientation dedicated to black students, a program that takes place in addition to its standard welcoming activities for all students.

The Black Student Orientation is slated for Aug. 18, the day prior to the university’s New Student Orientation.

The day-long event–billed as having been “designed by Black students, faculty, and staff to welcome new Black students to the USF Black Experience”–will “address the specific and particular needs of African American/Black students at USF,” according to the school’s website.

The program includes workshops such as “Community Building” and “Creating a 4 Year Plan.”



  1. what racists organized this one?

  2. Isn't it amazing that these progressives have progressed so far that they are right back to segregation?

  3. This is against the law.

  4. So I guess Clan meetings are back on then?? BLM Racist much? freaking hypocrites!!

  5. Not too far off topic...
    Just saw a commercial from P&G. Topic "The Talk" Black parents talk to their kids about the racist world they live in.

  6. What about people who are mixed race? Why do they always identify as black? If they are half white or mexican or oriental where do they go? And how is this not racist? I know the old rule about one drop of blood but that is embraced while others rules and laws are discarded? Our country is changing for the worst rapidly?

  7. this is exactly why white people are getting pissed off and violent.

  8. Here we go, divide and conquer. Black leaders like King must be rolling over their graves to see segregation they fought so hard to eliminate being voluntarily accepted by young black people. Black Americans should be up in arms at the very suggestion of such a thing.

  9. Why is one race separated out from all other races? Who is the racist now?

    Mexicans? Canadians? Koreans? American Indians? Red dot Indians? Japanese? Chinese? Cubans? Guatemalans? Colombians?

    It's time to start shooting, is all I have to say.

  10. WRONG ANSWER SAN FRAN! Trouble will now show up!

  11. Do they have special cyclone B showers too? Oh the irony of stupidity. The Leftist democrats have come full circle and they have blacks believing in segregation as them receiving some sort of specialized care and treatment! They might as well be leading them around with nose rings. Once again, like the NAACP, this is just admitting inferiority. Unbelievable! Oh the indignity the democrats have caused the black race!

    1. Refreshing to read a comment with some substance and understanding of the situation

  12. Hanging my head in disbelief. Totally confused. Am I to assume that these identified people need extra hand holding for the 4 year plan or just to inform them that it is only suppose to be a 4 year plan.

  13. OK...I'm white but I would truly like to get the black experience because I want to understand everything that is going on at the college level. Will I be kicked out because I'm not dark enough?

  14. So will the aclu shut them down? Nope because there is a double standard.

  15. I believe the govt has been continually starting, allowing, promoting, funding most of these culturally dividing events, articles, also the separating news articles, the violence starting at protests.....and many many other conniving manipulative ways to continue the separation of OUR NATION !!! we should not fall for these traps and use these days ahead to ban together and build strong bonding communities the can take OUR NATION back one small town at time !! We as Americans and TRUE EASTERN SHORE NATIVES can start right here !! This is the time for change ....only question is will you help make it worse or BETTER!!!!!

  16. With all this bull the LGBT pulls like identifying as a woman to use the women's bathrooms. Why can't white people just identify as a black person and crash all of these racist meetings for black people only. All they would have to do is say I identify as a black person today. That would show them.

  17. 8:52, and not a single damn one of them has ever had a racist act committed against them. This is all nothing more than to get as much as they can by running their mouths loud and nasty till someone gets tired of listening to them and gives them what they want. Just nasty attitude.


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