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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

UN to Trump: Stop Detaining Illegal Aliens

The United Nations Human Rights Council is now demanding President Trump enact a full open borders policy that would release more than 350,000 illegal aliens and foreign refugees into the public.

In a 23-page report by the U.N. Human Rights Council, Trump is requested to set free all foreign nationals who are currently awaiting immigration hearings in the United States, Reuters reported.

“The Working Group is of the view that all administrative detention, in particular of immigrants in an irregular situation, should be in accordance with international human rights law; and that such detention is to be a measure of last resort, necessary and proportionate and be not punitive in nature, and that alternatives to detention are to be sought whenever possible,” the panel said.



  1. The UN is a den of evil ..dramp that swamp

  2. The UN is as corrupt as they come. Run by third world leaders who come from countries that are horrible. Them telling The United States what to do is like those 2 idiots that were arrested at the movie theater telling us how to act in public.

  3. Time for us to de-fund the U.N. and tell them to leave.

  4. I totally agree with them that alternatives to detention should be sought. Put them on a plane one way immediately. The cost of the ticket is far cheaper than supporting them.

  5. UN--why don't you pay your own bills. We the tax payers are tired of footing it. I wish President Trump would defund them. Kick them out and develop the real estate!

  6. The U.N. council needs to BUTT OUT of U.S. law. President Trump is doing the right thing. Keep up the good work President Trump!

  7. I agree with Trump though 3:26 has a good plan too. After all, the only reason we don't immediately deport them is to give them a chance to prove the need for asylum.

  8. 3:26 - that will work except they'll come back!

    A more permanent solution is to turn them in to Soylent Green after they've come back a couple of times!

  9. Trump to UN, go screw yourself

  10. They are the new world order and starting to dictate rules for it.

  11. Global Communists do not like America, except when it comes to feeding at the red white and blue trough.

  12. We need to remove them from U.S. soil. We have hosted these fools long enough. Let some other country do it now.


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