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Monday, August 07, 2017

Trump ‘New Hampshire Drug Den’ Quip Triggers Outrage, But Is He Wrong?

New Hampshire U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan was quick to denounce President Donald Trump’s description of the Granite State (reported this morning) as a “drug-infested den.”

Trump, who is no stranger to wild claims, added in his comments to Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto — which Americans learned of thanks to a transcript of a telephone conversation leaked to theWashington Post — that New Hampshire’s alleged drug-addled state is why he won.

Trump did not win New Hampshire last November, but his other claim about the state’s apparent drug problem has Granite State officials like Hassan fuming.

New Boston Post staff did a quick Google search about 10 minutes after the Washington Post story broke, entering the words “New Hampshire a drug infested den” into the search bar. New Boston Post staff did the same search hours later.

The results from the first search placed Trump’s comments fourth from the top.


1 comment:

  1. If you remember correctly, during the campaign when President Trump visited and campaigned there it was stated by the leaders that Drugs and Deaths were a Major issue in their state. Duh....


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