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Monday, August 07, 2017

Trump: Migrants will not get Welfare for first 5 Years

President Donald Trump announced in his weekly radio address Friday that migrants who enter the United States cannot receive welfare in the first five years after their arrival.

“Just this week, we announced a historic immigration bill to create a merit-based Green Card system that ends the abuse of our welfare system, stops chain migration, and protects our workers and our economy,” Trump stated. “As an example, you cannot get welfare for five years when you come into our country. You cannot just come in like in past weeks, years, and decades, you come in immediately and start picking up welfare. For five years, you have to say you will not be asking or using our welfare systems.”



  1. This isn't Europe, after all.

  2. Building that wall and Making America Great Again! Good work, President Trump!

  3. Great idea and practical. Unfortunately, the Left will obstruct this initiative as well. Sad.

  4. No reason to get it after five years. Too may citizens abusing it now.

  5. Just look at Australian immigration law. I read that under no circumstances is an immigrant eligible for Social Security or unemployment for a minimum of two (2) years so what is wrong with five (5) years?

    It's all about trying to preserve what we have.

  6. Yay for our President, this is how it should be, and if they don't like it they can go on back from whence they came.

  7. Good going President Trump.

  8. The thing is, these migrants come to harvest the fruits and vegetables grown in the country that other able bodied citizens won't do. They also catch the chickens that are ready to go to slaughter, again something able bodied citizens won't do. In fact, these migrants will do just about anything that our able bodied citizens won't do. Perhaps, we should kick the able bodied citizens off the rolls and give the migrants the benefit during the lean periods.

    1. I have never met a Syrian,Russian,Iraqian someone from Pakistan doing the jobs you mentioned!! Unless you think of course all immigrants pick tomatoes?

    2. That's BS. They come here for the freebies. I should be so lucky

  9. We're working on kicking the able bodied leeches off the rolls too, 9:17.

  10. This is an excellent idea and also they should work and maintain those jobs records of their work, and pay taxes and rent like everyone else new here.

  11. 9:17. Bet u are getting welfare

  12. And make them register and be on a list so we can see who they are! We need to be on guard for these potential terrorists!

  13. Migrants move from place to place, following the work. Chicken catchers aren't migrant laborers.
    If the fruit and vegetable laborers are underpaid, let the employers and the state they're in deal with the income shortfall problem. A fair day's pay for a fair day's labor.

  14. 9:17. U are a moron. And your mentaity is part of the problem.


    We are getting priced out of our own jobs. The Govt is allowing this. Furthermore we(working Americans) are forced to pay for the otherwise able bodied population to sit at home.

    If you think this is okay do us all a favor and step into traffic. Nobody needs your quasi-intellect. Nobody needs your holier than thou attitude. Nobody needs your ridiculous attempt to find middle ground.


  15. I remember as a child and young adult that the "migrant" populations were just that, "migrant" - meaning migratory. They went to where the work was. Farmers would hire them to perform harvesting labor and they would move further north as the summer progressed and then further south as fall approach and eventually head back to Mexico or where-ever they came from. Now, they are a permanent part of our society. No longer do they migrate as in years before. It is a peaceful invasion. I also remember from my youth that it was African-Americans that worked as chicken catchers, it was that way on our farm as well as all of the surrounding farms. I don't recall seeing any Hispanics in the mix. But, who knows, that could be changing as well. I didn't see any the other day on that new Chicken Farm on Snow Hill Road right past Nutters, they were all black from what I could tell.

    The way that I see it is that many of our "indigenous population" is being undercut by the once "migrant" workforce. This is causing more folks to enter the welfare market.

    Just my two cents. I could be wrong and I'll admit that I have not put a lot of thought into this post so don't hold it against me if something is not complete.

  16. I understand the statement Americans won't do certain types of labor. On the other hand I am really getting tired of hearing it because the reason our own citizenry won't do the work is because we are paying them for not working. I could be wrong but I'm thinking if one is not rewarded for sitting on their butt, they would go pluck some fruit instead of go hungry.
    The government is issuing these monies for a mere vote to stay in office to rob the working class. The working class is providing monies to the government to hand out to these unworthy peoples. The working class is the donor, not Uncle Sam.
    At least President Donald J. Trump (I love hearing that) is attempting to help the providers (us) in many way's.

  17. 10:11 am...I appreciate your push back. Sorry to disappoint but I have been gainfully employed since I was 15 as a stock boy making $.65/hr. That was 54 years ago. I was fortunate to have a good work ethic so never had to go on the dole.

    10:30 am...I appreciate your push back. Simple economics, and obviously you are not a business person and have never had to meet a payroll and cover overhead. Unskilled labor is not a high paying category. People who opt not to be educated (for whatever reason) or pass on opportunities to learn a skill/trade get left behind. They have also discovered that by electing liberals they get "stuff" for not working. Hmmmmm.


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