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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The VA Can’t Provide Cannabis to Veterans With PTSD, so This Group Gives It Out for Free

Once a month, staff members at the Santa Cruz Veterans Alliance(SCVA) fill more than 100 brown paper bags with high-quality medical cannabis and pass them out for free at a local community center. For the military veterans who receive it—many of whom struggle with PTSD—the medical cannabis acts as a lifeline to health.

The SCVA, which operates out of an old office in a Santa Cruz neighborhood, has been serving local men and women since 2011, when the organization was founded by military veterans Aaron Newsom and Jason Sweatt.

After six years of service, though, SCVA’s mission now faces challenges due to an ironic new development: the legalization of cannabis in California. New regulations due to take effect in early 2018 don’t allow the SCVA to continue operating as they do today.



  1. Awesome!!! DO what ever you can for these vets... They fight for your right to be a bigot and anything else...

  2. I believe that the legalization of Cannabis is a Joke! I don't believe that this drug has ANY measurable aid to disease. Getting high to alleviate pain, is not a treatment. Name any drug that doctor's prescribe that is taken by smoking. If their is a medicinal use for cannabis while can't the properties be extracted an produced in pill format. This is the biggest joke, legalizing this drug.

  3. 9:14 AM - What you 'believe' doesn't change the fact that thousands of people DO find benefit in this drug for alleviation of pain, regardless of the associated 'high'.

    "If their* is a medicinal use for cannabis while* can't the properties be extracted an produced in pill format." *(there, why).

    They have been and because of the variety of compound reactions in the natural chemistry of an oxidizing (burning) plant, the resulting pill form of THC has very little medicinal benefit, in comparison.

    This is no "joke" for those who find genuine relief from one of natures' most versatile plants.

  4. Stoners will get stoned no matter what. Make it legal. Medical Marijuana is a joke.

  5. Anonymous said...
    I believe that the legalization of Cannabis is a Joke! I don't believe that this drug has ANY measurable aid to disease. Getting high to alleviate pain, is not a treatment. Name any drug that doctor's prescribe that is taken by smoking. If their is a medicinal use for cannabis while can't the properties be extracted an produced in pill format. This is the biggest joke, legalizing this drug.

    August 23, 2017 at 9:14 AM

    You can believe whatever you wish but science and history teach otherwise. Like 1139 has already told you, they have been extracting BENEFICIAL parts of the plant into pill form, oil, tinctures, and whatnot.

    Although I'm not quite sure of what 1139 means by THC having very little benefit in pill form. I haven't tried THC in pill form, yet, but I am currently taking CBD in pill form so I can't comment on the THC in a pill.

    I just can't understand why some would want people to take harder drugs such as percs, morphine, fentanyl, and the like, rather than take much safer marijuana. (except for people in the pharmaceutical industry and prison complex)

    It's been around and used for medicine for thousands of years. They had some trouble in the past with the quality of marijuana and levels of active compounds in it but that has been solved by science and growing techniques.

  6. I have read somewhere, and I believe it, that for every disease and every ailment God has given us a cure. Throughout history, humans have used plants to treat all kinds of illnesses. Today, about 40 percent of our prescription medicines come from plant extracts or synthesized plant compounds. plant-based medicines are everywhere, including the shelves of our local drugstores. Quinine and quinidine are both extracts from cinchona bark.

    So why wouldn't a marijuana plant be used as medicine?

  7. All you liberal legalize pot crowd, are clueless. Legalizing this drug and then arresting people for using it on the streets; can you say two-faced. Is it good for you or not? Then why is it illegal to possess.


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