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Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Baltimore Statue Graveyard

I don't know about you but I'd be more than happy to place them on one of my properties instead of something like a landfill. I'll text the Governor. 


  1. If they really feel the need to get rid of them, they should have done a government auction. I know lots of people that would have bid on them. I feel sorry for the families of the artist that created them...suddenly their work is not worthy to exist?

  2. Whats been done to these Memorials is in fact a crime, all those participating in this desecration should be charged, including hogan.

  3. Art is art.....if these pieces survive somehow they will be worth far more in the future than now. If they survive.

  4. These statuary should be given to the Federal government. Obvious Maryland doesn't appreciate history.

  5. Put them on a military installation. They represent veterans.

  6. Lol now that's funny

  7. I am very disappointed in Gov. Hogan and all our Representatives that stand by and let this happen. You are all trying to erase our history. Terrible!!!

  8. It is really sad. Despite who they are and what some may think they stand for they really are great sculptures. One was on Mount Royal Avenue and the largest on Wyman park across from the BMA. It is all so silly and sad. Devoid of history good and bad we are all condemned to repeat it. Things have just gone crazy. I am very worried.

  9. Toast is fine as long as there is another Rep to run. WE all know what happens when a Dem GOV is in charge. Just to be clear, we have it BETTER today than the terms with O'Palley.

  10. Our society is in its death clutches.

  11. 5:43 you are absolutely correct. Our society is dying. Our last president pushed race relations to an all-time low. Never in my life do I recall having such resentment toward leftists and blacks. They are trying to destroy our country. It's time we push back...whatever it takes!

  12. I will pick a few of them up for FREE.
    PLEASE let the governor know that when you call him (if you get through to someone other than his designated interference guy).

  13. The reason these politicians and frankly all white folks cave is fear. Fear of being labeled a racist. It's our kryptonite and their shield. They know it works against us and it is being used systematically to gain ground. Wake up people and fight for your right of free speech and expression.


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