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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Six Flags Over Texas removes Confederate flag, reversing earlier decision

The Six Flags Over Texas theme park has reversed their decision to fly the Confederate States of America flag on display over the park entrance.

In a statement released Friday, a park rep explained their decison to remove the controversial flag, after first deciding it would remain.

"At Six Flags Over Texas we strive every single day to make people happy and to create a fun, thrilling and safe family friendly experience for our guests. We always choose to focus on celebrating the things that unite us versus those that divide us. As such, we have changed the flag displays in our park to feature American flags," said Sharon Parker, Manager of Communications for Six Flags Over Texas.

The Arlington theme park was named for the six flags that have flown over the state of Texas in its history, the Confederate flag being one of them. Park officials previously told TMZ they saw a fundamental difference between the flag they fly and the Confederate Battle Flag.



  1. So now, it's "Five out of Six Flags Over Texas", is it?

    Just wow.

    They won.

  2. Will never support them again.

  3. Boycott these anti patriots.

  4. No more me going to sixflags smh

    Hope they enjoy there gay communist visitors.

  6. The best thing that all of us should do and let it be known that we will no longer visit these Parks, these cities, these counties and these States that subscribe to sanitizing our Confederate history and heritage.


  7. Hope there is an ambulance chaser out there to challenge their now false advertising.

    And, oddly enough, we won't be patrons anymore; maybe Goolag can buy them since their 'values' are aligned.


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