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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Sheriff Mike Lewis Is A Camera Junkie

I spent the early morning with Sheriff Lewis and this film crew who were in our county filming a documentary on the opioid/heroin epidemic. They spent time with some families in our community who have lost sons and daughters to this terrible scourge. Hopefully their finished product will enhance public awareness about causes, enforcement strategies, and treatment options.


  1. Green is not good, but why should I expect anything different

  2. Alcohol KILLS twice the number each year. however it is not a epidemic?

  3. Mike Lewis is not in the same league as Fake Day when finding a camera to grin at. I really think this man sleeps with a camera.

  4. Limelight Lewis. Never met a camera he didn't like.

  5. Please don't compare Mike Lewis to Fake Jake, they are nothing alike Mike has done a lot for this county and gets grants to pay for a lot of their gear. Something the Council and Jake know nothing about trying to save the taxpayers money. He and the office do a fine job and really care and put themselves out there everyday. The SPD and Chief Hug A Thug need to learn and take some suggestions from the Sheriff's office. Leave Mike alone!!!!

  6. Anonymous said...
    Please don't compare Mike Lewis to Fake Jake, they are nothing alike Mike has done a lot for this county and gets grants to pay for a lot of their gear. Something the Council and Jake know nothing about trying to save the taxpayers money. He and the office do a fine job and really care and put themselves out there everyday. The SPD and Chief Hug A Thug need to learn and take some suggestions from the Sheriff's office. Leave Mike alone!!!!

    August 26, 2017 at 10:45 AM

    Oh don't forget to mention the Salisbury Fire Department. Wannabe Far Cheef Rick Hopeless is spending money like it's going out of style.

    Don't forget the new mechanic that Rick Hoppes and Jake Day are hiring to sit around an play computer games because there isn't enough work in the fire department to employ a full time mechanic.

    Don't forget the 2 brand new fire trucks Rick Hoppes and Jake Day are buying to replace 2 perfectly good fire engines that are only 10 years or less. Don't forget they were rehabbed already under Gordy and Hoppes. These engines should last another 10 plus years. Guess what's going to happen to Engine 16 and Engine 16-1 when it gets traded in to Pierce? It's going to be sold to a fire department the size of Salisbury's FD and they will use it for another 10 to 20 years.

    There are 5 paid firemen and 1 volunteer who have just flown out to the Pierce Manufacturing Plant in Appleton Wisconsin for a free vacation. Why does it take 5 people without decision making authority to fly out to Appleton Wisconsin to look at the new fire trucks that the Salisbury Fire Department is buying. What a waste of tax dollars!

    No Pierce isn't paying for the 6 vacations. It is built into the price of the truck you big dummy.

  7. How much does the city pay each year to have the engines worked on vs what it cost to hire a mechanic? Don't the firemen know how to fix engines?

  8. Can't they purchase service contracts on the vehicles and pumps? What is the cost v. paying a mechanic's salary, benefits, retirement contributions, recertification, etc.?


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