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Tuesday, August 01, 2017

"Senate Republicans Look Like Fools" Trump Urges End To Filibuster, Claims Russia Was Against Him In 2016

After a turmoil-filled evening, President Trump is wasting no time this morning telling the American people (via Twitter) just how he feels about Russia, Republican Senators, and the Filibuster.

With the mainstream media generally ignoring the ongoing DWS-Awan Brothers debacle and shrugging off Fusion GPS involvement, Trump's first tweet of the day should open a few eyes (although probably not)...

As a reminder, The Hill notes that the Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony this week claiming that Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson and others evaded registering as foreign agents even though the firm worked on part of an influence campaign to overturn the Magnitsky Act, which was passed to punish Russian officials in 2012.


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