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Thursday, August 10, 2017

School letter says AP and Honors classes will be decided by race

A Virginia high school sent a disturbing letter to parents and students announcing they would be selecting students for Advanced Placement and honors classes at least partly based on skin color, a concerned parent told Fox News.

Martin Luther King, Jr. must be turning over in his grave.

A parent forwarded me a copy of the letter sent from John Handley High School in Winchester.

“Through our collective work, advanced classes such as AP and Honors will have proportional representation,” read the letter. “Proportional representation is 40% White, 35% Hispanic, 12% African American, 10% mixed race.”

The letter went on to explain that public schools across the country “continue to see outcomes that are disproportionate by race and social class.”



  1. Everything else is decided by race these days , may as well
    Crybabies all over never satisfied ...........

  2. dummy down equal opportunity

  3. It starts at home with the parents. My kid is in AP classes and we focus and make school a priority. Life is not fair and you must work hard to excel. I could care less about color of skin. Its about striving for excellence not based on skin color. Its hard to appreciate things that you do not earn and they are given to you.

  4. The color of your skin shouldn't matter. Grades should determine placement. My question is how many qualified students will be denied entry into these classes? SMH at such stupidity.

  5. By doing this, they are admitting that one race is inferior to another and forcing the intelligent kids or the ones that are there to learn to accept low IQ students (disavantaged) into their classroom to bring down the more intelligent kids to become a possible disruption to the learning process. They have been doing this for years, and it doesn't work. All it does is make the less intelligent kids feel more rejected and inferior.

  6. This won't last long. Kids that aren't smart enough to be in those classes will have poor grades REGARDLESS of race

  7. This kind of states once and for all that I should hire whites over blacks and hispanics just because they're smarter and try harder.More motivation means higher profits for my company.


  8. But the students will get transfer credit to U of GA where you go to drive-thru and order your 'A' from the perfezzor!

    Seriously, the issue is that a genuine AP class will require genuinely talented HS kids to work pretty hard in comparison to regular HS fare to pass or get a good grade.

    Most HS kids are not equipped by brains, maturity or work ethic to actually do this in HS. So this formulaic approach to assigning the students is prima facie evidence the administrators personally took the drive-thru college approach!

    Next up: Angry phone calls and lawsuits.

  9. My son who is in his final year of college tella me there are many disadvantaged kids who are given free tuition and scholarships, flunk or drop out in the first year because they are academically unprepared for college life, or disciplined to study. Many have to take remedial math and grammar courses, that they should have taken and passed in high school to get them up to speed to do the work that is required in college. At his college less than 25 percent make it to graduation to get their bachelors degree. It's like a waste of money sending them to college with free tuition when they didn't even try to begin with, while they were in school.

  10. White kids don't need no honors or money, they got enough already.

    1. I sooooo hope that's sarcasm, because what you said is a double negative and just plain bad speaking! Ignorant!

  11. What about the Asian kids?

  12. Let's say there are 50 kids in the class for the sake of easy math. That would mean that we will expect 6 black kids, 20 white kids, 5 mixed race kids, 18 hispanics. (And presumably 1 Asian or other race to make the math work)

    What if you have 8 black kids who deserve to be there? Good grades, smart, ambitious. 2 don't get in because you have to maintain the ratios. It's not fair to the Hispanic kids or white kids to remove one of them to make room.

    Fair. Life isn't fair. Life reawards hard work. Racism IS a barrier to allowing hard work to succeed. It should be eliminated as much as possible. But using a race based approach to eliminate racism seems pretty stupid. Thats replacing a free system that blindly awards merit with a system that reqards you for your race.


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