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Friday, August 18, 2017

SBYNews Garnishes The Attention of Maryland Senate President Mike Miller on Monument Removal

The President of the Maryland Senate Mike Miller made sure Salisbury News received the above letter to Governor Hogan with incredible details as to why the monument should remain and the process that should have been followed on any such decisions on this matter. It's good to know the President of the Maryland Senate is following what we deliver on a daily basis and the fact that we denounced our support towards Governor Hogan based on this matter. It's also no secret that Mike and I go back well over 30 years. While we do not see eye to eye on most political issues, he's a great man, Husband and Father.

JUST IN: I've been informed by a very reliable source this morning that many Hogan staff member do not understand why Governor Hogan made such a decision.


  1. Maybe he knows he won't win re-election and is appeasing the democrats that got him into office. No Republican in their right mind will support him for a second term. He's screwed up the state good, and also will cost any chance Republicans had in state down ballot elections.

  2. Wow....the Miller guy has finally seen the light after all these years.

  3. 9:07 How do you know that isn't the ultimate plan to begin with, put a repub in, mess stuff up for the state and his chances of re-election and give a automatic win to the democrats... Since like I keep telling you people, they only give you lip service for your vote and do as they please in office...

  4. Isn't it amazing how it takes months, if not years, to get anything done in Annapolis, yet they can do something like this overnight. Miller is absolutely correct on this matter. Can you believe I'm saying this about a far left liberal? Right is right and we must all give credit where credit is due. My hat is tipped to Mike Miller.

    1. One thing that's going to happen fast ......zero re election.

      Hangout with John RINO Cannonm

  5. What about conceal carry Joe? Pull some strings for us

  6. These actions are a disgrace to Americans and American history. Maryland was a main player in this history and now we are again part of the disgrace that has taken place. This was started by Obama, Soros and the shadow government. George Soros is an enemy of the state. All his and Family assets should be confiscated / seized and they be banned from the US. Then we will see where the money comes from for these anarchist.

  7. I am so disappointed in Gov. Hogan.

  8. Another little historical tid bit ... The US Coast Guard named a Cutter after Taney due to his service Secretary of the Treasury...

  9. Just thinking with all the monuments being removed do think they will change Washington, DC to just DC? (map)

  10. I've been disappointed in Hogan for a long time now and this just shows what a big RINO he is. He's democrat all the way, no doubt.

    1. Red Flag was NO support for Trump.

  11. I've supported Gov Hogan from the beginning. But this action is similar to the Colts leaving Baltimore during the night. It was handled haphazardly, behind the back, and much too quick to believe any good sense was involved. Gov Hogan, you may do many great things in the rest of your term, BUT, you've lost my support in total. You've crossed the line on this one.


  12. Larry Hogan miscalculated his Pontius Pilate moment in pandering to the Baltimore mob. He won't pick up any votes from that segment of the electorate when elections roll around because of this action. But he has just royally po'd both firm and lukewarm supporters who have watched him drive in both the left and right lanes. His EZPass is not going to be renewed. Shame.

  13. Hogan (and Pugh) spoke too soon without considering all the IMPORTANT reasons for the placement of these statues. Taxpayers (WE) paid to erect them. Send them to Ft. Meade but DON'T DESTROY them!!! After all taxpayers PAID for their installation. Let's research who paid for the removal of Baltimore statues and CHARGE them for DESTRUCTOIN OF PUBLIC PROPERTY!!!!


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