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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Salisbury City Council Member April R Jackson Arrested For Assault

While we've known about this we needed confirmation and finally got it overnight from Maryland Case Search. 

More Liberal violence. 


  1. Why is that not surprising? Typical. Bet your crying crocodile tears now aren't you April. That's why most of your grandchildren raised by you are in jail or dead. Great role model there April.

    1. Some things should just not be said. Just remember this you still don't say bad things about others cause bad will come to you!! Oh and I don't know the lady. But I know what is right. Keep what she does to her and leave her grandchildren out of it. Trust that chic Karma has a way of surfacing.

    2. 1:26 I think 9:18 was just stating a fact. I don't see anything "bad" that was said. Just facts.

    3. Ur a journey and not a trip...Imagine that or u already know it???????

  2. Racist and violent

  3. Mama said knock you out.

  4. Is that her mug shot after the thrashing? Looks like she is still crying. Council members don't mind scrapping, as I recall one night after a meeting. I hope Mr. Parson's is doing okay after leaving a meeting, he was attacked down the hole on his way back to the office. I say do away with the council, it offends me. Tear down that branch of government.

  5. Guess who won't be getting a Salisbury street named after her.

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 bald st.

    2. There will be several as well as a statue. The people voting for her are no better.

  6. Why did they write bald, looks like she has a head full of hair in the pic.

  7. Joe PLEASE KEEP this as the TOP POST till 5.

  8. The photo is of her squirting crocodile tears as she "apologized" after she made some very objectionable comments about the President.

  9. When will the YEARS start flowing Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  10. I see she was fighting a MitcHELL ....Laura ?????????

  11. Hair color "BALD" Baaaaawhhhhhh

  12. No surprise here remember the fight with Barrie Tilghman's daughter. She has always been a loose cannon, she needs to get a grip and be removed now.

  13. She was fighting a statue!!

  14. Can the leadership in Salisbury get any worse. Which one of you ding bat elected officials is going to stand up and say " hold my beer" and create a bigger crap show than the 5'4" 200 LB behemoth mentioned above. My god she is probably taller laying down than she is standing up.

  15. She and the complainant have had a beef that goes back at least 2 0 years. Mitchell is no angel either.

    1. That doesn't matter she put her hands on someone regardless who she is.

    2. To be honest that big monster hit April first them girls are in gangs and everything else. I sat there and watched them carry on like animals. At a church event for the community

    3. She got her first and called her a bitch

  16. Anyone else recall when Barrie's brat got into an altercation outside of the GOB after a City Council meeting?

    1. And Webster repeatedly perjured himself by saying he didn't see anything but was only 3 feet away when if happened?

  17. The street named after her and her statue on the 'West Side' are in jeopardy now!

  18. She must have punched a chain link fence after punching a statue. If convicted can she still serve in office?

  19. Liberal Violence huh?

    Where was your story about Greg Gianforte followed up by a:
    More Conservative Violence.

    I enjoy the hilarity of the attempt to re-brand what were once labeled as bleeding heart, tender, snow flake liberals now to unhinged and violent.


    We are better than all this name calling.

    Time to act like leaders and not like followers. Act like Americans, not spoiled children.

  20. We should have a caption contest for that photo.

  21. What's more embarrassing?? The arrest or her height and weight ratio? Holy truck scales, Batman!

  22. 10:17 Mitchell might not be an angel either but she isn't a public official like Ms Jackson is.

    1. Mitchell should stay in a childs place. Officials have rights too, and apparently can fight. Lol. She clearly said she was pushing through a crowd starting conflict. She deserved that adult beating aka corporal punishment.

    2. Corporal punish is illegal so she deserves what legally happens right? None of us including Ms Mitchel is above the law. So retaliation seems juvinile don't you think?

    3. No corporal punishment is not illegal and maybe if Mitchell was given a healthy dose growing up, she would have thought twice before wanting to fight someone her grandmother s age and or her sons great grandmother. There is a difference between retaliation and self defense.

    4. There is s difference in being a thug and a public official. 🙄

    5. So if someone broke into a public officials home and attempted to assault and or harm them they should remember that they are a public official? If someone was attempting to rob or harm them they should remember they are a public official? Someone physically assaulting you can lead to death. If defending myself against the another is thuggish then label me a living THUG! I like that title better then dead punching bag.

    6. This wasn't in your house. This was a community event. "Day in the Park". And yes as a PUBLIC official you are held to a higher standard because you're supposed to represent your voters........wait nevermind what you did pretty much sums up your voting base!

    7. We ll agree to disagree. Because your last comment sums up your state of mind, bubbled and wrong. I didn't vote for Jackson and if I had the opportunity I wouldn't. Lol. I bet you this the president of our United States himself, wouldn't stand and be physically attacked and not defend himself and I would be in his corner also. I dont discriminate. EVERYone has the right to protect themselves when being attacked. And I haven't done anything but if physically attacked , yeah im fighting back. I hope you do to.

  23. Lesson to be learned here is that Good things happen to ALL people!! Just need to be a weeeeeeeeee bit patient!!!!!!

    3 hots and a cot honey - enjoy!

  24. Will WBOC and WMDT carry this story? I thought I would at least ask even though we all know the answer.

  25. How come you never responded to my email about your discrimination of our disabled community..... You are no better that YOUR President you piece of crap!!!! Get her ass out of office!!!

  26. I knew City Council was a joke and if I had any doubt, it is now removed.

  27. Time for the ETHICS board to step in.

  28. Remove her from city council !!!!!

  29. Ms. J. Mitchell was originally arrested the other day for assisting Someone in assault that occurred not too long ago..her and another female who has done time in prison. She doesn't mind running down on people and assaulting them.

    1. 2:33 All of you on here trashing Mitchell and defending Jackson are ridiculous. As the Prez said you BOTH were wrong. Mitchell is a thug I expect nothing less from her but Jackson...Ms city council member with the crocodile years should KNOW better. She is a public official therefore she is held to a higher standard. But ya know the thug is gonna come out sooner than later. She should be removed from office. How about it Mayor..you gonna make an excuse for her again ??

    2. Jackson should have simply had her thrown out and not approached her. However the only one truly wrong here is the one who been on a apparently rampage who apparently went that community even, baby in tow starting mess w/ her little crew.

  30. She isn't the first person to hold a title in Wicomico County that has been charged for a crime. Hmmmm let's start with wcso

  31. The look on her face is priceless

  32. Ms.Mitchell is Jermicheal Mitchell's sister

  33. Right is right and wrong is wrong.... At the end of the day she preaches about non violence and then turns around and does the opposite, y'all talk about j Mitchell who also has. Child by Aprils grandson. How can you expect more from your community but at any time you and your kids act against everything you preach!!!!

  34. I wonder why there was no press release about this? They were quick to get the one out about the other woman that was involved.

    1. It's coming April refused an interview been quiet all day. The same way she was quiet the day after she assaulted J. Mitchell

  35. What a joke she is, another extreme liberal. I'm sure nothing will come out this.

  36. A witness in a comment above said that she saw everything and the lady assaulted April. What would you do...take a butt whipping??? I don't think so...

  37. Just another "Walmart shop lifter". Move on....

  38. 11:24 - They will not denounce them because they are paying good money for them.

  39. Gee Whiz April, won't you come live in my neighborhood (translated ='hood') so that I could vote for you?

  40. I know to get rich. Write a TV comedy series based on the City Government in Salisbury Md. I'll call it "As Da Bury Turns". Lord knows there's an endless supply of material.

  41. She's a hot mess. My husband and I seen her at Andre Collins camp and all the parents were talking. We couldn't believe he would let such a snake around a brand he is trying to create for these young men. A few even said their child wouldn't be going back next year if she was around. She's lousy and a good example of one of those "fake Christians" calling on God only when she puts her foot in her mouth and when she nearly drowns herself in hot water. And to the comments about her grandchildren ... they are all pieces of shit too. Someone tell her to give her black Mercedes back to the dealer because she will soon be out of office!

  42. This entire situation is an embarrassment to the City of Salisbury..it does not matter who struck who first..they know the law. My God Salisbury when is enough ..enough ..this is unacceptable for a city official!

  43. Wow..this is embarrassing to the council

  44. To all you "high and mighty " critics, go piss up a rope. I'm a white male that went to school with April and her brother and you obviously don't know them or more importantly their father. April isn't anything like you state, but don't be confused you won't walk on her either. That's the difference between people like April, Billy, myself, we can get along with anyone but won't tolerate ignorance or biw down and kiss no one's ASS

    1. 9:37 But you will tolerate assault?

    2. If you would take the time to get the whole story I do believe she was approached first and defended herself, both parties being charged. So to answer your question YES I or anyone else should defend themselves

  45. To all the glass house keyboard warriors get a life. You judge and criticize people you really know nothing about. Ms. Jackson has had major health issues that have been a setback. This Ms. Mitchell is a turd that reflects wicomico county school system, four open court cases, two of which are for assaulting April's children. One is for burglary and first degree assault. It shows the mindset and weakness of most of this blogs critics you would let some street thug threaten you and your families safety and in the same breath criticize law enforcement for not helping you from taking a beating from one of the local gang banging wanna be's. I say hell yes April show what Billy gene St. taught a lot of us, respect everyone don't take no mess off of no one!!

  46. Salisbury has a way of picking winners, don't they? Look at this hot mess of a woman out there supposedly promoting the city and representing a district. Wow. What a shining example of everything you don't want in any governing position of any area! She was a disgrace during the general with her snotty remarks about President Trump and now she's assaulting people? Time for Miss Thang be sent her packing.

  47. They won't get rid of her. She's the token black female. She'd probably sue them.

  48. i thot shee be ware in a weeg?

    1. Most of these people on here are lying. If they were officials and was physically assaulted or attacked they d fight back unless they were scared or looking for sympathies.

  49. @ 8:09PM


    What language are you speaking? What planet are you from?

    Ebonics went away a long time ago because it just showed how stupid some people are.

  50. Our city council does not need trash like this. She is a hood rat, plain and simple. Put on airs to get elected. An embarrassment to Salisbury.

  51. Jake Day probably already has a job ready for her as "Community Liason" for when she gets kicked off the council

  52. There isn't much I like about April but I doubt this was her fault. Mitchell who is the baby momma of April's grandson from what I read was starting trouble and all April did was try to stop it and Mitchell attacked her causing April to defend herself.
    April very much was promoting this event as a fun filled day for everyone. She was not there to start trouble and again there's not much I agree with her on but I don't see her being the troublemaker at this event.

  53. She is not only an embarrassment to Salisbury, but so is the entire City Council if they do not get rid of her. Salisbury is trashy enough without this kind of crap coming from a city council person. Public officials ARE held to a higher standard, not a lower one, as displayed by her.

  54. Jackson is a counsel member, held to a higher accountability. She was arrested. Period. The reasoning of the arrest, or the circumstances around it does not matter. What matters is she was arrested! She should be temporary removed from her counsel seat. When she goes to court and is convicted, then she permanently gets removed. If she is found innocent then she gets her seat back. She does not return to her counsel seat until she has been found not guilty! Cleared of the charges...Mr. Mayor, Jack Heath, Remove her you have a duty to the citizens of dabury!

  55. Please, please stop using the ridiculous term, "baby mama". It sounds so trashy and unintelligent. Use some dignity and intelligence when referring to a woman who has given birth to her child. It's truly an embarrassment to motherhood.

    1. I think the shoe may fit when referring to this clan. Some of her grandchildren have been a major part of the violence for several years, until the usual death or jail has caught up

  56. There is no way that the city council can remove a member for something like this, so stop suggesting/demanding it.

  57. Apparently she perfectly represents those who voted for her.

  58. Our city council does not need trash like this. She is a hood rat, plain and simple. Put on airs to get elected. An embarrassment to Salisbury.

  59. 9:13, the people have the last word and if we want her gone, she will be removed. Got it?

  60. You got that right. We do not need thugs on the council.

  61. If Jackson didn't associate herself with low class people,she would not have people wanting to fight her!
    It doesn't matter how successful people like her are, they can't break away from their useless relatives and friends who haven't "evolved". The fact that she raised her grandchildren paints a worse picture because that's TWO generations she was responsible for that ended up being criminals, losers,and absent parents.

  62. Getting in physical assaults with your constituents is not a wise way to go. But consider where we are and how all of about 100 out of 3200 voted for here.

  63. August 20 11:21PM

    And so are those 'baby mamas' trashy and unintelligent!

  64. Really? how many more times can this woman f up? She needs to resign or be kicked out. But Let her keep praying about Jesus on her page and how she will forgive her neighbors but act like this? I can not tell you how many times I have held my tongue and this woman as a representative throws punches... Please foe the love of Christ come out in 2018 and vote R all the way down the ticket...well except cannon and boda and depending on what kilmer decides to run for....But this is what u get ..trash! oh and while im at it tell anderton to fire Jackie wellfonder. I know she got him elected the first time but helping him and Liarton will hurt Carl in the long run


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