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Sunday, August 13, 2017

Roads CLOSED RT 13 Through Town

Due to flooding, Rt 13 is closed from the bypass to Prisilla. Northwood rd is also closed due to flooding. Please be advised to leave early as alternate routes are busy at this time.


  1. Was anything learned and addressed from the last closure due to flooding?

  2. If I was Grants I would be suing.

  3. North wood is not closed

  4. Sue GOD!? How freaking stupid are you. We had 6 plus inches of rain. No place can handle that amount of rain. What is stupid how the roads are closed off. That's STUPID!!

    1. I didn'tmake that comment but are you saying you think there has been responsible design and management of that area?
      If so, you are the challenged one

  5. 12:08 PM . How kind of you. BUT. It is my understanding, from the last time this happened and their parking lot flooded, that, and I know I am not 1000% correct, but, that there is a drain somewhere in that line, that the army corp is responsible for maintaining and doesn't, which causes it to flood.

    So, your reply now?

  6. 6.4 inches of rain in about 8 hours all together. Things are going to Flood. This area is not, nor will ever afford, to be prepared for a deluge of water that intense.
    We could not get out either end of our development. First time ever. You going to spend 1000's of dollars for a one time thing. No, I'd rather wait a few hours till it drains.

  7. 12:58 PM oh thou with comprehension issues, my point was - there is no responsible management of that area. gee you people are so quick to be a tool you make fools of yourselves. such hate. smh

  8. Most of you are unfortunately missing the point of the event: This is NOT a natural weather event.

    The ongoing climate engineering programs (solar radiation management) have filled the atmosphere with too many particulates. Therefore the atmosphere holds much more water than it would under normal natural conditions. When it rains, it pours down excessive amounts of rain in a locale. This is happening all over the world and can be viewed on the Weather Channel. However, the Weather Channel and NOAA are sworn to secrecy about the weather modification programs and will not properly explain the phenomenon.

    I recommend the following site: www.geoengineering.org

    Dane Wiggington is the host and you will find his explanations very easy to understand and credible. Educate yourselves about this very important topic. We are all suffering because of an out-of-control military program.

    Thank you

  9. 407
    I've heard people talk about the trails in the sky and believe that is what you are referencing.
    The idea is to decrease the amount of sunlight that comes to the surface and this will cool down the planet.
    It is being done by several governments and is to p secret.
    Good stuff and as they say truth is stranger than fiction.

  10. Pipe under railroad is not large enough to handle this big of a storm and during one flood it was actually filled with debris. Someone will have to pay for larger pipe under railroad. Good luck getting their cooperation.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:58 PM oh thou with comprehension issues, my point was - there is no responsible management of that area. gee you people are so quick to be a tool you make fools of yourselves. such hate. smh

    August 13, 2017 at 3:20 PM

    OH, the irony of these pots meeting kettles. I bet all of you cannot go a full day without insulting someone. Heck, I would bet you couldn't go 15 minutes.


  12. 5:14 PM thank you, that's what I was referring to, and some one, the railroad? is responsible for ensuring that the pipe is clear of debris, to ensure it drains properly, I believe that is what was inferred in a post during the last storm, and they are not doing their job, hence the flood @ Grants lot.

    Therefore Grants could sue, whomever is responsible for maintaining this pipe for not doing their job and creating issues for his business.

    thank you

  13. 4:38, lovely pictures to illustrate a stupid idea with our any proof of anything whatsoever.

    5:14, you are correct, two little pipes do this job, and there's no brush clearing happening between Northwood and the RR track. Two small branches break off a tree during the year and float across the pipe openings along with some weeds and leaves, and this is what you get every time.

    And 4:38, I've been in 36 inches of rain in 36 hours 40 years ago in the Keys, it's been happening throughout history. Look up hurricane in the dictionary.

  14. 8:58 PM sad you don't know what google is. You can find chem trailing proof there, including testimony of pilots.

  15. All of you are missing the bigger issue here. Are the little blue reflectors still stuck to the road to designate where the fire hydrants are located??? Hopefully nothing catches on fire where the flooding is, because you'd never be able to see them. You know like when it snows this winter and the city won't plow unless we get more than 2". Money well spent I tell ya. Good job boy mayor.


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