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Monday, August 07, 2017

Rerouting? Your GPS may get lost during the eclipse

ARLINGTON, Va. — While you gaze at the sky during the Aug. 21 eclipse, the moon may mess around with your technology.

GPS signals may be affected by the eclipse because they travel through the ionosphere. According to gps.gov, GPS signals are transmitted from satellites 12,500 miles above Earth and travel through the ionosphere, which extends to around 600 miles above Earth.

Virginia Tech professor Greg Earle will conduct an experiment during the eclipse to study its effect on the atmosphere by looking at GPS and radio signals.

“There’s a region that we call the ionosphere where the medium is instead of just normal air like we breathe, you have air that is sort of electrified,” Earle told WTOP.



  1. Relax! It'll be over within a few minutes. This event is being overblown.

  2. This shows you that GPS is fake, then... If the moon being in front of the sun can stop GPS from working...


  3. What if your GPS made it through Y2K without problems? Will that shield it from this looming issue? :)

  4. Heck, my GPS gets lost just trying to find locations in Washington, DC.


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