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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Report: Obama Admin Was Warned About Russia's Plans in 2014

The Obama administration received numerous warnings – some as far back as 2014 – that Russia was putting together a disinformation operation that could be used to interfere with the U.S. political system, Politico is reporting.

The warnings came from national security officials, the website said.

A report handed over to administration officials in 2014 detailed the disinformation networks Russia was ramping up, according to Politico.

"You have no idea how extensive these networks are in Europe ... and in the U.S., Russia has penetrated media organizations, lobbying firms, political parties, governments and militaries in all of these places," a Russian source is quoted in the report, Politico said.

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  1. Unfortunately Obama didn't think you clowns where quite dumb enough to fall for all of the bs "news" coming out of the Russian propaganda machine. Guess you proved him wrong again.

  2. They knew exactly what was going on, but figured it was going to help hillary so let it go.

  3. Absolutely correct. Man is evil.


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