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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Report: Monsanto Skipped Important Testing On Weed Killer That’s Now Killing Crops

There’s a problem in farm country this year: Acres of crops are unexpectedly withering away, but it’s not due to drought or natural blight. Instead, the crisis seems to be related to a new herbicide from Monsanto. Users of the recently released plant-killer didn’t realize it would spread beyond their fields, because — according to a new report — Monsanto skipped over tests that would have highlighted this problem. 


  1. Mmmm ,acts the same as agent orange . When will we ever stop the poison effect. Everything we use this crao for is effecting the land , rivers and all humanity. Reminds me of the doctors , they have a pill now for everything . We don't have a clue of long term effects on either pills or herbicides. It's a disaster waiting to happen .

  2. 6:59 AM: The answer to the question is that people still don't believe they are being poisoned and thing it is all a conspiracy, so therefore you can't expect anyone to want o change anything, they believe isn't happening...

  3. Monsanto is the devil's child.

  4. Monsanto is also responsible for the high percentage of cancer rates of soldiers that were either stationed or trained at Ft. McClellan, AL. I'm not surprised about this.


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